上海青年建筑师刘津瑞及其团队在上海郊区精彩地完成了一户四胞胎家庭的住宅改造。这里不是人们熟知的灯火璀璨、人潮涌动的上海, 而是公共交通、城市服务都相对匮乏的城市边缘。
LiuJinrui and his team have finished an apartment renovation in suburban ofShanghai, for a family of parents and their quadruplets. Instead of beinglocated on the central area of Shanghai, their home lies in suburban area wherepublic service facilities aren’t convenient.
▲设计预想 | Design vision
我们的家离地铁很远,离黄浦江很远,出门是高高矮矮的农民房子,这是大大的城市里我们小小的家。—— 明珠”四胞胎
Our homeis far away from metro station, and it takes a long way to get to HuangpuRiver. In Shanghai, a super big city, our home turns out to be so small, surroundedby numerous farmhouses. —— quadruplets
项目背景 Background
Program‘Life Re-maker’ in Dragon TV, there is a renovation project in 7th phase offirst season. The project is located in a resettlement community on KaixinRoad. This 60㎡apartment is an ordinary one including one living room and two bed rooms.However, a special family as renter makes the apartment different.
▲改造前现状 | Before
十年前,杨春燕和于万里夫妇因为大女儿的先天性疾病获得了生二胎的资格,意外生下了仅750万分之一概率的龙凤四胞胎。“抚养四个孩子比想象中更为艰难”, 四个小家伙的出生让这个原本并不富裕的家庭捉襟见肘,是上海市民的热心帮助让四胞胎健康茁壮的成长,出于感恩夫妇便将四胞胎起名“东东”、“方方”、“明明” “珠珠”。
Ten yearsago, Yang Chunyan and his husband Yu Wanli had daughter with congenitaldiseases, which allowed them to get permit to having a second baby.Unexpectedly, they delivered quadruplets, only one chance in 7.5 million.Afterwards, the quadruplets have growth up under kind help of Shanghaicitizens. Out of gratitude, the couple named their quadruplets after ‘OrientalPearl’.
▲四胞胎 | Qadruplets
Ten yearslater, the quadruplets have grown up. But because of the oppression of life,this family of seven can only afford to living in a cramped two-bedroom unit insuburban of Shanghai. They seven have been in this apartment keeping a roughcastone, for 8 years. Bad financial situation directly leads to the empty andunfurnished home. In a lack of storage place, their living goods are discardedall around. The kitchen and bathroom are too small to meet the demand of afamily of seven. Moreover, the dining room cannot hold all the family members. Inorder to arrange bigger space for their children, the parents choose thesecondary bedroom which is northbound and only 8 ㎡. Even though, every two kids stillneed to share a bed. When vacation comes, their big sister from old home has nochoice but to sleep in living room.
▲改造前使用困难 | Difficult to use before transformation
▲四胞胎梦想中的家 | Family in quadruplet dream
设计思路 Design Idea
Thelandlord don’t allow them to change the layout of rooms, thus renovation cannotbe a big move. Conducted by an architect instead of an interior designer, thisrenovation has a clear main idea from the very beginning, ‘design as a whole’. Notto mind a single bed or cabinet, the main purpose is pursuit of fluency ofspace and transparency of sight to tight the rooms together. Meanwhile, someinteresting space designs are everywhere.A yellow track, like a ribbon, flowsthrough each isolated room, dispelling loneliness and connecting the family ofseven closely to each other. Huangpu-River-shaped track has something to dowith the names of quadruplets, ’Oriental Pearl’. The track will witness thegrowth of quadruplets, just like the Huangpu river flows around Oriental PearlTower, which implies the close connection between the family and Shanghai city.
▲浦江的形状是跑道灵感的来源 | Huangpu River is the inspiration source
设计将睡觉、吃饭、储藏等不常用的功能压缩、折叠,甚至是隐藏,将承载着家庭大部分活动的公共空间放大、打通。厨房和厕所精打细算,卡着尺寸腾挪出了双排操作台和效率提升三倍的两个卫生间。原有两间卧室里最大化的利用了垂直空间,巧妙布置下了男孩、女孩和父母的独立房间。在满足生活必须之余,设计师利用视线引导和尺度变化,收放之间,营造出日常生活中的趣味性和仪式感。一条贯通南北的跑道不仅带来了穿堂的微风和漫游的步移景异,更像画龙点睛的一笔,让每个房间都有了根和方向。 Thedesign compresses and even hides rarely-used space in order to enlarge publicspace.The kitchen and bathroom are designed under precise measurement so thatmore space can be created to meet daily utilization. Vertical space is fullyused by bunk beds giving everyone private space.After meeting the basic demandof living, the designer creates enjoyment and sense of ceremony by visualguidance and various scales. The north-south track do not only brings breezebut also connects all the rooms together.
▲改造前后平面对比 | Plan before and after renovation
What’smore, the designer tries to utilize some unique furniture to help quadrupletsto form good habits day after day, alleviating the dependence on parents.
▲家具分析 | Furniture analysis
玄关 Entrance
Thetree-hole-shaped niche is a hallstand and meanwhile a footstool. The cartoonimage within kids’ sights helps them to get ready for going out.The corridorsqueezed by niche shows great directivity. A few steps forward, the track perpendicularto line of sight enlightens roomy living room.
▲ 树洞形状的壁龛 | The tree-hole-shapedniche
客厅&活动室 Living room & playing room 地面PVC+消音地毯+鹅卵石抱枕将四胞胎活动时对楼下的干扰降到最小。从客厅延伸到主卧的窄柜上勾勒出羽毛球拍、乒乓球拍、滑板、时钟、相框的图案,试图在新家中培养四胞胎良好的整理收纳习惯。卫生间旁的黑板涂鸦墙创造了早出晚归和孩子们见不到面的父亲以文字和图画的形式表达爱的方式。
To reducenoise made by quadruplets, the designer puts PVC, carpets andcobblestone-shaped pillows. Cute patterns are carved on the door of narrowcabinet, trying to develop quadruplets a good habit of storage.Children canwrite and draw on the black wall beside the bathroom to convey love to theirfather who is occupied by business during daytime.
▲嵌东西的墙 | Walls inlaid
▲鹅卵石抱枕活动区 | cobblestonepillow activity area
▲黄色的跑道连接整个生活空间| yellow track connects different living spaces 餐厅 Dining room
Foldingtable is convenient to spare a place in living room for children to play.Themaps of Shanghai and Xuzhou, hanging on the wall, shows their homesickness.
▲折叠餐桌 | Foldingtable
▲入口边的起居和就餐区域 | living and dining space at the entrance
亲子厨房 Parent-childkitchen 亲子厨房的设想最终凭借一系列的极小尺寸的家具顺利实现:260mm宽(普通为450mm)的极小水槽、400mm宽(普通为600mm)的极小台面、充分利用消极空间的八边形(普通为长方形)转角小切板等增加的不仅是厨房的大小,更是孩子和父母在一起做饭时相处的时间。
The ideaof parent-child kitchen is finally done with tiny furniture: water channel 260mmin width (general set 450mm), table board 400mm in width (general set 600mm).The designer well utilizes octagon space to shape a cutting plate (general setrectangle). The kitchen renovated creates more space and time for parents andchildren to get along with.
▲亲子厨房 | parent-childkitchen
卫生间 Washroom 一分为二的爆裂厕所麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,极小尺寸的三套台盆、两个马桶、两套淋浴和一个浴缸彻底解决了一家人早晚高峰的使用难题。甚至在父母晚归的深夜,还能泡个澡消除一天的疲劳。
Thebathroom is divided into two pieces with three sets of mini-sized counterbasins, two toilets, two sets of shower nozzle and a bathtub. It is thoughsmall but perfectly equipped, which solves the problem of multi-users at peakhour. Besides, parents can take a bath to remove fatigue after a working day.
▲卫生间 | Washroom
男孩房 Boy room
Separatingspace vertically ensures everyone’s independent field of sleep, activity andstudy. The mountain pattern on the wall bihindthe bookshelves implies the motto “There is no royal road tolearning” and the round hole provides the atmosphere of looking up at the moon.
▲两个人各自独立的活动区域 | Two independent activity areas
▲对景的圆洞 | The round hole in the view
▲上层为床铺 | Bed in the upper space
▲从圆孔可以看到不同空间| view of different spaces from the hole 父母房 Parents room 移动立柜和折叠床解放了父母床白天对空间的占用,PVC拉帘很好的保证了两个独立房间的隐私。
Movablecabinet and folding bed release the occupation of parents’ bed.PVC curtain wellprotects privacy of two rooms.
▲可变的房间 | Variable room
▲移动立柜形成的紧凑空间 | pact space created by movable cabinet
▲拉帘保护房间隐私,curtain ensures the privacy
女孩房 Girl room 水平方向上睡觉、活动、学习空间互相独立。并在高低铺下预留了第三张床。设计师希望在用设计手段预留了姐姐的生活空间后,一家人能够在上海团聚。可书写的墙面延伸了书桌的宽度,是对孩子天性的解放。
On horizontaldirection, space is divided into three parts sleep, activity and study,interacted and independent. Under the bunk bed, there is a third bed for theunion of big sister. The wall can be written extends the length of desk, releasingchildren’s natural instincts.
▲可变立柜和床铺 | xible cabinet and bed
▲女孩房和生活区域在空间上连续 | the girl room is continuouswith the living space
▲移动立柜后形成宽敞的活动空间 | move the cabinet to create enough common space
▲房间和阳台相连,第三张床可以供第三个女儿使用 | the room is connected with the balcony and the third bed if forthe third daughter
阳台 Balcony
Technicalgauze windows preventing dust and pollen overcome the fear to open windows. Tomato,pepper, strawberry, mint, wheatgrass, celery and other plants are planted in athree dimensional botanic garden.
▲阳台 | Balcony
Thequadruplets grow in a hardworking and optimistic family, and parents’ selflesslove nourishes their children’s childhood. Happiness and freedom are keywordsof a joyful childhood. Mild and interesting space gives children morepossibility of exploring and creates lovable living status. It is where thebest part of designing lies in.
Whatmakes desert beauty is a well hidden somewhere. Little Prince
主设计师:刘津瑞 设计团队:冯琼、郭岚、汤璇 项目经理:郭岚 施工图设计:赖武艺 文章漫画:杨颖 摄影:杨鹏程 业主:东方卫视《生活改造家》栏目 项目地址:上海闵行 设计时间:2017.04.21-2017.04.23 施工时间:2017.04.25-2017.05.22