






Fabian Tan Architect | Bewboc House

2021-05-21 发布
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Bewboc House外观 ©Ceavs Chua

本项目位于马来西亚吉隆坡郊区,是联排住宅,年轻的房主夫妇希望自己生活在尽可能不被打扰的环境中。于是Fabian Tan Architect设计团队重新构想了一种适合角落建筑的形式,并重新定义了地面层生活空间。

A suburban terrace house in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia owned by a young family who requested for minimal intervention. The approach was to reimagine a form befitting a corner house and to re-purpose the living spaces on ground level.

Bewboc住宅鸟瞰 ©Ceavs Chua


The new form is intended to be simple but bold; contrasting it with the existing fabric of tropical suburban homes. From plan view, the living spaces were orientated parallel to the site boundary, resulting in a “break” between the original and new spaces. The triangulated “break” acts as a secured ventilated light well, cooling both sides naturally.

三角形的“缺口”(左侧)©Ceavs Chua


An arch roof extends outwards, creating a vaulted annex that forms the living spaces. The space appears continuous through the extension of the arch and exaggerated further through the materiality of the concrete finish from floor to ceiling.

拱顶向外延伸 ©Ceavs Chua

拱顶细部 ©Ceavs Chua


The extension is further enhanced by two large doors that open up to the garden. The uninterrupted perspective from inside out immediately connects the interior with nature.

打开两扇大门通往花园 ©Ceavs Chua

室内室外无缝衔接 ©Ceavs Chua


The upper floor sets up a dramatic background with a play of curves and levels. The spaces are layered, creating a hierarchy of space. The study overlooks the living spaces and adjacent, a step-up platform corner for lounging. Behind this is a bedroom overlooking these spaces. The master bedroom connects through a bridge to the outermost floor section of the annex, and much to one’s surprise, an open balcony.

富有层次感的空间 ©Ceavs Chua

二层书房 ©Ceavs Chua

从拱顶平台望向书房 ©Ceavs Chua

从主卧望向书房 ©Ceavs Chua

与主卧相连的开放露台 ©Ceavs Chua

楼梯 ©Ceavs Chua


To counter the heaviness of the concrete vault, openings were carefully carved out on the upper level. For example, the inverted arch window at the side of the vault is drawn as a continuous “S” shape when it meets the front arched opening. Walking through the upper levels, this continuity echoes throughout the spaces as lines of openings and arches meet. Consequently, this rhythmic play of lines within a heavy structure lends to a play of light in subtle ways. Reminiscent of a journey through a cave, perhaps to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

侧面的倒拱形窗 ©Ceavs Chua

“S”形连接 ©Ceavs Chua

仿佛穿越洞穴 ©Ceavs Chua

一层平面图 ©Fabian Tan Architect

二层平面图 ©Fabian Tan Architect

正立面 ©Fabian Tan Architect

侧立面 ©Fabian Tan Architect

剖面图 ©Fabian Tan Architect

项目名称:Bewboc House
项目位置:马来西亚 吉隆坡
建筑设计:Fabian Tan Architect
建筑面积:3700 平方英尺(343.7㎡)
用地面积:5800 平方英尺(538.8㎡)
项目摄影:Ceavs Chua

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