简洁,干净,平和而宁静 它从自然中生长出来的 美
-迎宾小屋- Ca’ Ospiti house
该场地位于瑞士兰卡特(Rancate)北部的一处城外郊区和住宅区,其周围环绕住宅屋和藤蔓植物;根据该项目的平面图可以看出它的整体建构呈现一种细长形(12.7m x 122.6m),并且既有的房屋大小制约了重建时的空间发挥,因而这一限制成为了建筑师在进行设计时的考量原则和指导方向。 The site is located in the northern area of Rancate, in a suburban andresidential neighbourhood, surrounded by houses and vines. The map has a veryelongated and narrow shape (12.7m x 122.6m) and thesize of the property imposes spatial limits that have been the guide for thedesign.
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)全景
迎宾小屋最具趣味性的地区部分工整而平坦。建筑的北面被道路(Scèr)和四周以现有住宅楼宇为主要特征的相邻地段进行地理划分。 The area of interest is mainly flat and well delimited to the north by the road (via Scèr) and on thesides by neighbouring lots characterized by the presence of existingresidential buildings.
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)全景
新迎宾小屋(计划19.4x6.6米)的成型,基于设计师希望强调现有土地的轮廓,并使其成为整体项目优势的设计愿景。 The new Ca’ Ospitihouse building (19.4x6.6 meters in the plan) takes shape from the desire tounderline the existing conformation of the land and to make this feature astrength for the entire project.
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)全景
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)全景
新构筑的位置毗邻道路——可以确保人们直接从通路进入房屋;而与此同时,它也保持了和周围景观紧密相关的特性:不同种类的树木,草坪和伴随花朵装点的石径——它们紧紧簇拥着这一栋简单而宁静的小屋。 The volume ispositioned close to the road to guarantee direct access, but at the same time,it is in close relationship with the surrounding landscape: trees of differentspecies, a lawn, and a gravel path lined with flower plants surround theintervention.
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)近景
新迎宾小屋的整体空间结构包括5套各占45平方米的公寓单元,每套公寓均包含卧室、浴室、厨房以及带客厅的餐厅在内,多元化功能空间一应俱全,最大限度满足住户的日常需求。 The building consistsof 5 apartments of 45 mq each consisting of a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchenand a dining room with living room.
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)近景
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)近景
房屋的空间组织简单却实用:中央空间连接到楼梯,以贯穿式结构为每层各两间公寓的住户提供各类生活服务;与此同时,设计师还在地下室设有地窖,又或者可称之为技术室,同时还设计了一间可以供住户接待朋友和其他访客的公寓区域;在这一层的空间分配上,设计师摒弃了多余的走廊区域,各个空间之间的连通性更高且更紧密。 The space organizationis very simple and functional: a central connecting staircase serves twoapartments on each floor, while in the basement there is a cellar/technicalroom and an apartment to host friends and visitors. There are no unnecessarycorridor areas.
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)近景
换句话说,新迎宾小屋的整体空间体量,其实强调了对最纯粹和最简单建筑形式的追求;从某种程度上而言,这种形式的灵感成形是基于其所处的环境,设计师通过使用一种清晰易读的建筑语言,实现构筑本身与它所作为的土地紧密相连。 The volumeunderlines the search for a pure and simple form, which springs from thesurroundings and which relates to the place through a clear and legiblelanguage.
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)内景
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)内景
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)内景
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)内景
屋顶的显著坡度,立面的全孔与空隙之间的关系,以及各类精致材质的使用,共同决定了这一栋新构筑的极具识别性的特征。 The remarkable slopeof the roof, the relationship between full and empty holes in the facade andthe use of refined materials determine a recognizable identity to the building.
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)内景
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)内景 - 楼梯细节
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)内景 - 楼梯细节
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)内景 - 楼梯细节
新建筑采用一种混合结构:建筑底座和连接楼梯由外露混凝土制成,而所有墙壁和地板均应用了预制的木质元素;外墙饰面分为下部的外露混凝土,和上部具有通风功能的外墙砖石砌体;公寓每间住宅单元的内墙的主要材质,则是经由白釉饰面的杉木。 The new building has a hybrid structure: the base and the connectingstaircase in exposed concrete, while all the walls and floors are made withprefabricated wooden elements. The facade finish is divided into exposedconcrete in the lower part and masonry with bricks that characterize theventilated facade in the upper part. The internal walls of the housing unitsare made of fir wood with a white glaze.
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)概念图
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)总平面图
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)平面图 A
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)平面图 B
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)平面图 C 迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)平面图 D
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)侧视图 A
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)侧视图 B
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)侧视图 C
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)侧视图 D
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)侧视图 E
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)侧视图 F
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)侧视图 G
迎宾小屋(Ca’ Ospiti house)侧视图 H
项目名称:迎宾小屋 建筑公司:Stocker Lee Architetti 项目类型:住宅/公寓 项目位置:星际路24号,兰卡特,瑞士 项目客户:Stocker Lee Architetti 设计日期:2016年10月至2018年 7月 建造日期:2019年1月至2020 年3月 完成年份: 2020年3月 占地面积:1155 sqm 外面积:336 sqm 建筑总体积:1340 Cubic meter 建造报价: - 土木工程:De Giorgi&Partners Sa, Muralto 建造:Bernasconi Sa, Chiasso 木工:Gotthard Holzbau GmbH, Flüelen 喷镀:Bless AG, Erstfeld 配管:Murari & Murari SA, Riva San Vitale 摄影:Simone Bossi;Stocker Lee Architetti
Project name:Ca’ Ospiti Architecture:Stocker Lee Architetti Project type:Residential building Place:Via Scèr 24, Rancate, Switzerland Client:Stocker Lee Architetti Design period:October 2016 - July 2018 Construction period:January 2019 – March 2020 Completion:March 2020 Property:1155 sqm Surface:336 sqm Volume:1340 Cubic meter Construction costs: - Civil engineer:De Giorgi&Partners Sa, Muralto Construction:Bernasconi Sa, Chiasso Carpenter:Gotthard Holzbau GmbH, Flüelen Cladding:Bless AG, Erstfeld Plumber work:Murari & Murari SA, Riva San Vitale Photographer:Simone Bossi;Stocker Lee Architetti