本帖最后由 王云锦 于 2020-8-26 12:00 编辑
公共空间再造 野兽派和极简派的拼合 手工艺美学的纯粹表达
-格林屋- Glyn House
在确定即将增加新家庭成员的前提下,格林屋(Glyn House)的住户意识到房子缺乏一个更宽敞的开放区域,这个大家庭能够聚在一起共同欣赏花园的景色。 Having decided togrow their family, the owners of the Glyn House were lacking a large open planarea where everyone can be together and enjoy the garden views.
因此,Yellow Cloud Studio设计师被委任对格林屋,这座维多利亚时代宅邸的后部空间——即厨房所在的位置——进行再设计,在与房屋的前部空间,居住区域保持紧密联结的同时,创造出更适合一个大家庭各类日常活动的宽敞空间。 Our studio wastherefore asked to rethink the rear part of their Victorian property, where thekitchen was located, and produce a large space that fits a variety of everydayactivities while keeping a connection to the front living area of the house.
而应用何种联结方式,被证明是该项目的最大挑战——起居区和厨房区之间的垂直高度差足足有七阶台阶高之和,同时需要考虑一个,能够将围绕现有建筑后立面周围盘踞而建的水管迷宫进行视觉隐藏的方法。 That connectionproved to be the biggest challenge of the project, as we dealt with aseven-step drop of levels between the living and kitchen areas while figuringways of concealing a maze of plumbing pipes that surrounded the existing rearfacade.
最终的设计解决方案,是通过一个细长状的胶囊窗口附带有能够加强空间入口处景深的门槛,进一步勾勒出使用空间的形状,并将建筑的功能元素囊括整合于其空隙之中;头顶的大型天窗将胶囊窗口切成两半,其下半部分能够与起居区建立连接,而其上半部分则实现内外环境的交叉通风。 The design solution took the form of an elongated capsule window with astepped cill outlining its shape and hiding the building’s functional elementsin its void. A large skylight cuts the capsule window in half and establishes aconnection to the living area through the bottom half and cross ventilation ofthe space through the top.
宽大的玻璃立面沿着整个空间进行延伸,并为内部引入充足的自然光线,同时通过环绕立面而自然营造出舒适的沙发床结构,人们可以于此处休憩的同时,享有连续的华丽的花园景观;另一方面,考虑到它们的实际可用性,以及于家庭生活中将会发挥的多元功能性,譬如厨房,餐厅和沙发床等区域均于新空间内单独布置。 The generously glazed strip continues along the entirespace bringing in ample natural light and wraps around the facade, creating acosy daybed with tall uninterrupted views of the garden. The kitchen, diningand daybed areas are all given a separate unforced presence inside the newspace, taking into consideration their usability and the various functions offamily life.
显而易见的是,Yellow Cloud Studio建筑工作室对于格林屋(Glyn House)的建议着重于自然采光和空间质量,但是设计师通常设计过程中的另一个主要因素也需要格外关注,那就是材料属性。 It is clear that ourstudio’s proposal focuses on natural light and quality of space, but anothermajor factor of our usual design process is materiality.
在野兽派美学的影响下,建筑的极简主义外墙,以同黑色混凝土板相连的垂直抛光的石膏柱,以及连接向下的通道前往花园的浅砖地板作为特色元素。 A minimal facadewith brutalist influences features vertical polished plaster pillars connectedwith black concrete panels and a pale brick floor stepping down towards thegarden.
另一方面,胶囊窗口在其形状上映射出野兽派风格,但它窗棂架构的染色橡木,则呈现出同前者形成鲜明对比的,截然不同的柔和质感。 The capsule windowalso reflects in its shape those brutalist tendencies, but the stained oaktimber of its frame reveals a softer approach of the design.
格林屋(Glyn House)外墙的元素,譬如说浅色砖块和灰色抛光的石膏板,被以一种元素呼应的设计概念,引入室内,并与温暖的橡木木工,沙色石膏和黄铜金属进行巧妙地配合,试图使空间内部象征或是代表,同一座建筑内,和户外的“公共版本”相反的“私人版本”。 Elements of thefacade such as the pale bricks and the grey polished plaster are brought insideand are paired with warm oak carpentry, sand-coloured plaster and brass in adeliberate attempt to have the interior represent a more private version of thesame architecture.
包括譬如定制的水磨石厨房岛和用餐区在内的黑色空间,以及整个空间中的白色天花板,都被设计成为与天然材料的调色板所形成强对比性的色彩和形式,从而进一步增强了原始手工表面所带给住户的空间体验。 Black volumes such asthe bespoke terrazzo kitchen island and the dining unit, together with the whiteceiling throughout the space are designed to provide the necessary contrast againstthe palette of natural materiality and therefore intensify the experience of raw,handmade surfaces.
其结果是为传统建筑增添了更为明亮,宽敞和奇异的氛围感,将人为空间与自然景观紧紧相连的同时,更是彰显了其手工艺术的材料属性的独特质感和美学价值。 The result is a bright,spacious and unique addition to a traditional property that connects the space toits landscape and celebrates the craftsmanship of its materiality.
格林屋(Glyn House)- 平面图
格林屋(Glyn House)- 侧视图
格林屋(Glyn House)- 轴视图(拆分)
格林屋(Glyn House)- 轴视图(整合)
项目基本信息 项目名称:格林屋 项目位置:英国伦敦,哈克尼下克拉普顿 主创设计:Yellow Cloud Studio 设计团队:Yellow Cloud Studio 工程团队:H Quality Construction Ltd Fakktory Ltd 项目面积:45sqm 完成年份:2020
Project name:Glyn House Projectlocation/address:Lower Clapton, Hackney, London, UK LeadDesigner/Architect:Yellow Cloud Studio Design team:Yellow Cloud Studio Construction Company:H Quality Construction Ltd Fakktory Ltd Project scale/area:45sqm Completed year:2020