






BuroLandschap | 森之环

2020-06-23 发布
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在波斯兰,人们热衷于在树木间自由自在地穿行; 于是“森之环”项目便应运而生:它旨在提供给人们一种能骑着单车穿过茂盛的森林环境的、独一无二的感官体验。它的主体是一条循环路径,可以安全地引领人们进入海拔更高的领域。看到,摸到和嗅到真正属于大自然的辉煌之美。
InBosland you can cycle through the trees. Cycling through a forest environmentis a special experience for the senses. This cycle path safely takes you intohigher realms. You can see, feel and smell nature’s splendour.


Thecycling experience is a cycle path through the crowns of the trees thatconsists of a sleek double circle with iconic allures. It is located inBosland, the biggest forest area in Flanders, at junction 272 of the Limburgcycle node network.


Thepath is 700 meters long and gradually rises 3-4% to a height of 10 meters - andthen descends again after 9 meters. The diameter of the bridge is 100 meters.


Thecycle path was built in PU coating and steel, supported on narrow corten steel columns (diameter 20 cm) and provided with arailing with a stainless steel net structure. A steel construction was chosenbecause it is a material with a long service life, the stability calculationsare then simpler, it is easy to maintain and it provides a slenderconstruction.


The450 unique columns are placed alternately at 1, 2 and 3 meters from each otherand symbolize the straight trunks of the pine trees, which were used in thecoal mines. This ensures that the construction blends nicely into theenvironment. The support posts were fixed in a point-wise foundation of steelscrew posts, which minimize the impact of the construction on the naturalenvironment.


Thecycle path width of 3 meters is not a superfluous luxury. This way the cyclisthas enough space. To keep the cycling experience pure, road markings andinformation or focus points on the elevated cycle path were omitted.


Theconstruction was connected to the existing cycle route network via a newconcrete cycle path. The connection was completed via a roundabout with acorten steel ring on the inside with the necessary information about theproject.


Theaccompanying cycle pavillion is made up of two corten steel frames around whichtrees are stacked like a log. These trees are the trees that were felled tomake room for the cycle bridge.


The Pijnven woods largely consist of coniferous trees, plantedat the beginning of the last century to produce wood for the mining industry.As the mines were closed, the trees were never felled. We are now trying toimprove this situation with a tailor-made woodland management plan. We aregiving smaller indigenous trees at the lower levels of the forest more spaceand light so they can grow. In this way, we are working step by step to createhealthy and balanced forest resources with small, medium-sized and tall trees.


Theconstruction of the bicycle bridge had to be done with full respect for theforest and its management. That required an ingenious way of working during thewhole process. You can cut down trees and put a structure in its place. But youmust also ensure that there are still enough trees after construction to beable to speak of "Cycling through the Trees". In addition, you mustalso be sure that interventions do not affect the trees and nature in themedium or long term, so that the forest dies. The designer therefore developeda process in which forest management is central: from the planning of theconstruction to the commissioning of the cycle bridge.


通过精心设计的,具有中心施工点的施工系统,设计师便能够根据单车桥的极端需求,来克制亦或是减少砍伐树木的次数,尽可能地在车间备好待安装结构,然后便能够在现场进行对环境影响程度最低的人工组装。 在圆心的位置,设计团队放置了一个高达37米的大型建筑用起重机,该起重机能够直立在树木上方,在现场搭建整个架桥结构;而通过使用建筑起重机,也从另一方面避免了土壤被压实以及森林其余地区,非必要伐木的资源浪费。
Througha well-thought-out construction system with a central construction point, wewere able to minimize the felling of trees for this construction in the functionof the extreme needs for the construction of the cycle bridge. The constructionwas prepared as much as possible in the workshop and then assembled on-site,like a big puzzle. In the centre of the circle, we placed a large buildingcrane of 37 meters high, which stood far above the trees and made it possibleto build the entire structure on site. By using a construction crane, weavoided soil compaction and unnecessary logging in the remaining part of theforest.


设计团队在施工方面做选择时,会充分考虑到项目客户“林堡游”(Visit Limburg)的CEC原则:全线无车,多元体验,同时满足舒适需求;“森之环”便旨在为人们创造以这三种原则为主的体验:人们能够同这宏伟广袤的自然进行更密切的互动,能体会到与这些树木、与整座森林一同成长的感觉;同时享受一种离地面越远的、于空中的奇妙漂浮感。
Whenchoosing the construction, the CEC principle of Visit Limburg was taken intoaccount: a Car-free route, full of Experience and Comfortable. The experienceis in the interaction with the magnificent nature and in the feeling that yougrow with the trees and "float" the higher you get off the ground.


Asyou rise, you experience the forest environment in various ways. And that isthe goal of Visit Limburg: creating unique cycling projects that strengthen thelandscape experience.

项目名称:森之环 Cycling through the Trees
景观设计:BuroLandschap (主创设计师 main designer), De Gregorio & Partners, AtelierEnsemble
项目位置: Kiefhoekstraat 16, Hechtel-Eksel, Belgium Project scale/area:10.000m²
设计年份: 2017
完成年份: 2018-2019
摄影支持: Visit Limburg

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