






建筑营 | 鼎石物流办公楼

2020-06-05 发布
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The project is an office building of a logisticscompany, located in an industrial park on the outskirts of a city in NorthernChina. The industrial park occupies a plain and expansive land area, which isadjacent to an urban road on the north and next to an unexploited urban land onthe south. The office building was planned to sit at the middle of theindustrial park, with pine trees, lawns and footpaths forming gardens on itsnorth and west sides, while on the south side is awide front court and a parking lot.

The architecture is 85 meters long and 50 meters wide,stretching in east-west direction on a site of about8,000 square meters. Considering the site is relatively large, ARCHSTUDIOplanned the layout of architectural spaces by incorporating courtyards,and created various indoor and outdoor scenes based on functional needs andcirculation routes, thereby produced a light-filled, green and vigorous workingenvironment.

I. Horizontal space
The office building consists of two floors,which present totally different visual impressions. 1F is enclosed andinward-facing, while 2F is open and outward-facing. Such contrast highlightsthe horizontal layout of the overall architectural space. The building has a"floating" rooftop, a solid pedestal and a transparent space inbetween, which is similar to the image of traditional architectures to someextent. Several two-storey-high courtyards separate 1F into three parallelhorizontal functional blocks. In this way, each room on 1F is connected with acourtyard, ensuring ample daylight and forming diversified landscape. Besides,the block on the south itself includes some small-scale courtyards. 2F has alarge area of glass curtain walls, which mark off various functional spaces ofdifferent scales and also enable indoor activities to be extended to outdoorterraces freely. Six bridges link the three functional blocks of the building,generating efficient circulation routes and further dividing off severalinward-facing yards.

II. Play of light andshadows
The entire architecture is coveredby a 4,000-square-meter flat roof and sun-shading grilles formed by aluminum strips. The grilles draw on the linear forms ofsurrounding farmland, and soften floor slabs. From the building's middle areato east and west sides, the interspace between aluminum strips graduallydecreases. Besides, each aluminum strip features width variations and perforatedsurfaces. The steel-structured rooftop of the three architectural blocksand the sun-shading grilles together constitute an integrated large roof. Itlooks like a lampshade with interspaces, which allows light to filter down, andthereby turning the building and courtyard beneath into a "forest" oflight and shadows. The varying light brings changes to spaces throughout theday. The rhythmic interplay of light and shadows, as well as human activities,together produce distinctive vivid scenes.

III. Multifunctional compound
Focusing on the basic characteristics of officebuildings and combining indoor and outdoor scenes, ARCHSTUDIO created amultifunctional working and living compound. The double-height reception lobbyfaces the front court, which presents a striking first impression, withcourtyards and trees unfolding at its back. 1F is composed of various workingspaces, including small and medium-sized offices, an openworking area and a conference room that face courtyards, a multifunction hallthat can accommodate 300 people, a finance office, and a settlement office,etc. Working areas of different departments are separated, so as toavoid interference. At the junctions of circulation routes, some leisure areaswere set, such as a cafe which faces a courtyard with a tree, with a view to enabling people to communicate or take abreak in a relaxing way. Three indoor staircases and two outdoor stair caseslead to 2F, the design of which fully took into account efficiency andsmoothness of routes. The space organization on 2F is more flexible,which contains several large offices, an expansive conference room, a multimediaroom, a reading area, a fitness room, the staff canteen, etc. The transparentglass walls closely connect each room to outside terraces and roof gardens, andintegrate interior and outdoor spaces into a whole.

IV. Natural construction
The office building ischaracterized by a restrained material palette, which focuses on the logicrelationship between materials and space, integration between interiors andexteriors, as well as maximum expression of material languages. The frontcourt, external walls of 1F, and part of the floor on 2F, are clad in redbricks, a type of material commonly seen on local historical architectures.From south to north, the red bricks together present an undulating image basedon the architectural form. According to positions, space openings andfunctional requirements, bricks were laid in different ways, and hencepresenting various formations and visual effects. Apart from bricks, steelmaterials were also repeatedly utilized, which can be found on indoor andoutdoor bridges, staircases, door and window frames, and some counter surfaceswithin the space. Besides, work was done to endow part of the outdoor floorwith slip-resistant quality. On 2F, perforated aluminum grilles were used asceilings of interior spaces and covers of outside areas. Those grilles hidepipes and wires of lighting system, air conditioning and other equipment, whichensures the integrity of spatial interfaces and forms contrast with rough bricksurfaces as well.

Projectname: Dingshi Logistics Office Building
Location: Tangshan, Hebei, China
Site area: 8,087 m2
Construction area: 4,617 m2
Mainmaterials:brick, glass, aluminum panel, terrazzo
Design phase: March 2017 — June 2017
Constructionphase:March 2018 — March 2019
Design firm: ARCHSTUDIO
Chiefdesigner:Han Wenqiang
Architecturaldesign: Jiang Zhao, Hu Bo, Kuai Xinyu, Zhang Yong (structure), ZhengBaowei, Yu Yan, Wang Fu (MEP)
Interior& landscape design:Jiang Zhao, Hu Bo, Zhu Yawei, Huang Tao
Coordinatingdesign firm:Fengrun Architecture Practice
Photography: Wang Ning
Text: Han Wenqiang

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