这座乡村小屋位于西班牙穆罗斯(Muros)的米拉弗洛雷斯(Miraflores),是一座以传统元素作为设计核心的小型田园建筑;房屋的主体,是由一组石屋及大量谷仓组成——后者曾为本地种植园作储藏、烘干和加工玉米之用。 The house is located in Miraflores, Muros, a small ruralcore of traditional character, formed by a set of stone houses and a largenumber of granaries that once housed, dried and treated the corn plantations.
房子所坐落之处,地形较为陡峭。它原本的房屋结构,是遵从加利西亚住房的传统建筑原则,由两个彼此相连的容纳空间组成——它们的主要功能是马厩和厨房,同时附带烤箱和石头蓄冷器;而随着时间的推移和第三处容纳空间的加入,房屋结构由此作出一系列改良和完善,其原始属性也随之发生着扭曲,变形,亦或是,被以另一种方式解构之后重组。 The house is located on a steep plot, originally wascomposed of two attached volumes, which respond to the traditional scheme ofGalician housing where the main spaces were the stables and the kitchen: withthe oven and the stone cooler, but with the passage of time a third volume isadded and a series of modifications are made that distort its originalcharacter.
这第三处容纳空间充分适应了房屋本身伫立其上的斜坡式地形;在完全不受风力影响的情况下,同穆罗斯河口的壮丽景色紧密地联结在了一起,由此形成一种由小巧而隐蔽的数个空间所组成的,内部分隔状结构。 The three volumes adapt to the slope, are protected from thewinds and almost closed to the imposing views of the Muros estuary, giving riseto a compartmentalized interior, composed by small and dark spaces.
它最初的设计灵感,来源于设计师对它所坐落的这片土地的深刻理解和全面考量:乡村中心核式的扩展规模、现存的建筑风格、石工的材质属性、180º全景的河口风光、以及在考虑建筑的使用方式和人们的活动类型时,作为重要参数之一的光照影响。 The proposal is based on theunderstanding of the place: the scale of the rural nucleus, the pre-existinghousing, the materiality of the stone, the 180º views of the estuary or thesunlight are the parameters that have been taken into account when consideringthe acting.
既存的石墙被完好地保留,同新加入的木和金属元素产生一种奇妙的对比 形成连接当下与过去的垂足结构
该项目的主旨在于寻找并点亮这一处房屋最独到之处,即在尊重、维持、和保护这一处建筑部分既有存在的基础上,创造出一个流动的,明亮的,开阔的内部空间;人们于室内便可体验沐浴在阳光之下的温暖与和煦,以更直接地方式同周遭的自然景观实现联结。而为了实现这一想法,建筑师决定通过保持房屋内旧有的原始石工形态,控制其空间体量不变。而因其稀缺属性,转而选择混凝土作为取代石头作为打造第三方空间的新材质,满足其对于额外空间体积的需求,以此来完成整座房屋的复建。 The project idea seeks to highlightits identity: dignifying the preexisting and creating a fluid interior spacebathed in light and directed to the views. The decisions that pursue therealization of the idea go through to maintain the original stone volumes intheir form, replace the third added volume, due to its scarce interest, for anew volume of concrete, in order to complete the built set.
建筑内部结构简洁,空间开阔 不同材质,纹理,色彩产生碰撞,形成别具一格的现代历史风格
既存的石墙立面保持不变的同时,新的空间体量的改变在于阔窗的设计——人们的视野穿过它们,便可将河口全景风光尽收眼底;阔窗的朝向方位亦颇有深意,它是对将此空间的当下和过去相连的隐喻,如一场跨越时间和空间的对话。 The stone facades keep theiroriginal spaces, while in the new volume there are large windows that open ontothe views of the estuary, with oriented positions that reflect its interior useand the dialogue with the preexistences.
米拉弗洛雷斯乡村小屋,给出了用更纯粹的方式对材料加以使用的承诺:限制对石材老化的过度维护,让他们自然而自由地去经历岁月和磨蚀;同时在修复过程中,引入更天然的材质:露石混凝土,以及能将屋顶整合入建筑立面的锌金属。 The intervention is committed to asincere use of materials, limiting the maintenance of the stone, theintroduction of exposed concrete and Zinc, which unifies the roofs.
米拉弗洛雷斯乡村小屋的修复设计中所作出的另一个决定,是开凿出三个尺寸不同的开阔天窗;大量自然光穿过其中,倾盆直入,温暖的光线满落于小屋室内那些斑驳复古的石墙之上;餐厅,浴室,马厩,沐浴日光之中,满室通透。 Another decision goes through thecreation of three skylights of different dimensions that bathe the dining roomspace, the shower space and the old space of the stables, getting the light tobathe the interior stone walls.
在修复之后,米拉弗洛雷斯乡村小屋的内部,呈现出一种流动感,人们置身其中,仿佛正在享受一场旅行——穿梭于不同楼层之间,出入于不同房间之间,体验房屋内部相对独立却互有关联的空间特征。 The interior is considered as afluid space in which, as a journey, it travels through the different floors androoms of the house, enjoying the unique character of each of its spaces.
它利用尺度的放大和缩小,视觉的断裂和连接,光照的弱化和强化,创造出能够重构房屋内部空间体验的,连续性空间系统。米拉弗洛雷斯乡村小屋的修复设计中,使用了加利西亚松木,作为统一整个室内风格的唯一一种材质;其朴素自然的质地,使这栋修复后建筑满溢着返璞归真的温暖感,而也正是这种温暖感,强化了这一次修复设计的核心理念——“家”。 Playing with the scale, the visualconnections and the light, it is possible to create a continuous spatial systemthat structures the spatial experience of the house. The wood, Galician pine,as the only material that unifies the entire interior provides the warmth andreinforces the idea of the new house: the home.
项目位置:穆罗斯,拉克鲁尼亚,西班牙 项目完成:2018 项目面积:219,00 m2 项目预算:263.268 € 建筑主创: fuertespenedo arquitectos 项目负责人: ÓscarFuertes Dopico, Iago Fernández Penedo 项目实习生: JorgeFernández Alonso 项目客户:María del Carmen Cadórniga Valiño, Xan Filgueiras Lago 建筑工程师:CarmenLousame López 结构工程师:Suárez yGarcía a2 建造团队: Abaco CRS.L 摄影:HéctorSantos Díez