






EDEN Singapore | 伊甸园公寓项目:花园城市的空中居所

2020-05-27 发布
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五十年前的新加坡的未来发展构想是成为一座“花园城市”。因此在赫斯维克工作室(Heatherwick Studio)接受于这一处历史悠久的牛顿区设计此座公寓楼的项目时,便受到这一愿景的影响,以及在郁葱茂盛的热带环境里,该地区十九世纪建筑风格的启发,舍弃了新加坡近几十年来封闭的钢制和玻璃材质公寓高楼的建筑模式,取而代之的是,创建一个更生动,更自然,更壮观的“花园中的家”—— 居于此处的人们,在同城市绿树成荫的街道紧密相连的同时,亦能享受住在高处之时,眺望更辽阔的风景、沐浴更充足的阳光,以及完全享受私密和静谧空间的,种种“云端之上”的欢愉和惊喜。设计师希望这座建筑从地面抬头看,这些绿色的街道看起来能够有高耸入云一般的壮丽感和凌驾感。
Fiftyyears ago, Singapore was imagined as a ‘city in a garden’. When HeatherwickStudio was commissioned to design an apartment building in the historic Newtondistrict, they were inspired by this vision, and by the lush tropical settingof the area’s nineteenth-century houses. They wanted to move away from theenclosed steel and glass towers of recent decades and instead, create a morenatural ‘home in a garden’ – a place where residents could feel connected tothe city’s tree-lined streets, yet enjoy the views, light and privacy that comewith living high above them. From the ground, they wanted it to appear as ifthese green streets were rising up into the sky.

“花园里的家” A ‘home in a garden

EDENcontains twenty apartments, with just one per floor. When stacked on top ofeach other, the apartments are quickly lifted out of reach of a ground-levelgarden, so the design team examined how to raise this greenery and thread itupwards through the building. By pulling apart the square block of aconventional residential tower and moving services to the perimeter, they wereable to create a large central living space on each floor, surrounded bysmaller individual rooms and wide shell-like balconies. These balconies arealternated to create a series of double-height spaces, which are filled with tropicalplanting, drawn from more than twenty species of flora. As well as surroundingeach apartment with greenery, the plants will grow to cascade down thebuilding, softening its appearance.

赫斯维克工作室从新加坡地形的自然轮廓中汲取灵感,对其进行了抽象化加工从而创造出新的地形纹理,然后与制造商合作,为每个混凝土板生产出一次性模具——其上雕刻有“伊甸园”及其周围环境的轮廓和位置——这种浮雕设计赋予了材质本身更强的物理属性和概念趣味。 建筑本体的颜色也在“伊甸园”的功能空间区分方面起着重要作用;设计师在新加坡的阳光下对一百多种深红,紫和褐进行了颜色测试,最终选择这一种最自然呈现,且与混凝土材质相辅相成的理想色调。
Thestudio took the natural contours of Singapore’s terrain and abstracted it tocreate a new topographical texture, then worked with fabricators to produceone-off moulds for each concrete panel. Embossed with an outline of thebuilding and its immediate surroundings, these panels reveal and make a virtueof their location, giving the material greater physical and conceptualinterest. The colour of the building also plays a role in differentiating EDEN.To find the ideal tone that would appear natural and complement the concrete,more than a hundred deep red, purple and brown shades were tested under theSingaporean sun.

建筑内饰 Interiors

Atground-level, entrance is through a canyon-like corridor, 1.5 metres wide andmore than ten times as high, lined with black granite. This opens into adramatic 18-metre-high lobby at the heart of the building, hung with livingplant chandeliers. This space is made possible by raising the first apartment27 metres above street level, ensuring that every residence benefits fromelevated views. Throughout the building, every interior detail has been craftedto express a sense of warmth. The natural imperfections of the organicmaterials have been celebrated; for example, the imprints in the 180million-year-old Jura limestone are revealed, saw marksare left visible in the handmade parquet, and the balcony floor is laid with atextured herringbone-patterned slate. This idea flows through to the solidexposed timber of the oak kitchen cabinets, and the walnut entrance way, whichmimics the topographical texture of the exterior concrete panels. In thebathrooms, the sink, vanity unit and bath were also custom-designedfor the project by the studio, and utilise a similarly restrained yet richpalette of materials.


“伊甸园”融合了主动和被动两种功能,从而节省能源,形成自然通风而凉爽舒适的空间——譬如深悬臂阳台,不仅可以起到遮阳的功能,同时亦可以最大程度地将自然光通过落地双开门引入公寓。 起居空间三面有窗,充分满足室内自然通风的要求。而为了减弱日光的辐射强度同时避免光反射污染,窗户的玻璃板被设计成向后折置。作为垂直花园的系列建筑的组成部分,“伊甸园”成为了一种象征,来诠释或证明新加坡是如何引领世界各国保护和发展城市自然环境。
Thebuilding incorporates a number of features, both active and passive, to conserveenergy and promote naturally cool, comfortable spaces. These include deepcantilevered balconies which provide solar shading whilst also maximising thebenefits of natural light coming into the apartments through full heightbi-folding doors. Windows in the living space open on three sides to allownatural cross-ventilation. The glazing is set back to reduce solar gain. As avertical series of gardens, the building is also symbolic of how Singapore hasled the way in embracing the conservation of the natural world in the city.

Atthe heart of every apartment, there is a large light central space, shelteredby the concrete structure and wrapped in the greenery of the lush tropicalbalcony, with views of the city beyond – this is conceived as a place for togetherness.More private rooms and discreet service areas extend from this main livingspace in an intuitive, flexible arrangement. Toensure that the apartments addressed the best possible view, we used footagefrom a drone to assess the different options – this allowed us to betterunderstand the views as they would actually be experienced at the height of theliving spaces. We adjusted the building’s rotation accordingly, while takinginto account sunlight and shade.

室内饰面与整个建筑的设计理念紧密相连。譬如说,公寓内部空间所铺设的木制人字形地板,延至阳台地面,以同种色调石板的方式进行元素复述,以此来实现建筑内部风格语言的一致性和连贯性。再譬如,建筑外墙的浮凸结构混凝土板,也是对“伊甸园”内部入口处,雕刻于胡桃木饰面上的地形图案所做出得一种回应。 从这种意义上讲,“伊甸园”这座建筑,被视为了一个整体,是独一的有机存在——它的一切都被设计成为相同的自然的形态的一部分;这种形态,俨然已深深植根于城市的街道之下,并企图将原本存在于地面的“绿”带至天际。
Theinterior finishes relate to the design concept for the overall building. Forexample, the wooden herringbone-pattern apartment floors flow out to thebalconies, where they are recreated in a similarly toned slate. The texturedconcrete panels of the exterior walls are also echoed internally in the entranceway, which mimicsthis topographical pattern in a walnut finish. In this sense, the building isconceived as a single organic object – everything is designed as part of thesame natural form, which has taken root beneath the city’s streets and isdrawing greenery upwards towards the skyline.

优良的自然通风 optimal air ventilation

Itwas important that the apartments were not cut-off from the life of the city,the weather and cooling breezes, so the windows on all three sides of thebuilding can be opened, allowing air to flow throughout the space.

建筑布局 The Layout

Thecentral living area, with its garden balcony, provides a natural space in whichto bring people together, whether as a family, or when entertaining on a largerscale. The layout allows an intuitive hierarchy of privacy as you move throughthe apartment: service areas are within easy reach of this central space andthere is direct lift access, yet the individual rooms of the apartment remainprivate.

赫斯维克工作室 Q & A

Q: 设计中最具挑战性的部分是什么?从设计到完成需要多长时间?又是如何克服困难的?What was the most challenging part ofthe design, how long does it take from design to finish and how do we overcomethe difficulties?
A: “伊甸园”是花费六年时间的精心研究和设计才得以最终实现的项目。我们为自己设置了一个挑战,那就是要提出一种创新设计,它可以映射出更真实,更自然的世界,并且具备只属于它所坐落之处的,独树一帜的特质。而基于这种理解,我们认为,在设计的过程中真正重要的是要尽可能避免缺乏自然温度的,人造痕迹过重的元素,取而代之的是着重去强调各种材质的天然的特点和独特的质感,以此来打造真正与众不同的建筑。
Ittook six years of meticulous studies to come up with the design for EDEN. Weset ourselves the challenge of coming up with a design that would providesomething new, which embraced the natural world and was uniquely of its place.We felt that it was important to move away from some of the impersonal,manufactured developments we had seen in the region – instead, we chose tocelebrate the quirks and unique textures of different materials to make abuilding that felt more organic and would be truly distinctive.

Q: 您在该项目中采用了哪些突破/创新设计?What the breakthrough/innovative design you have adopted in this project?
A: 整个项目具有极强的创新性——它重新构想并且绘制了公寓式建筑的设计方式,将生活空间从冰冷建筑体中的某个单元,设计成如被花园环绕的,开阔而明亮的“家”;它是一座植根于景观之中的构筑,无论是其中细节处处的精妙设计对于新加坡真实地形的美学隐喻,还是对于李光耀关于整座城市绿色愿景的理念遵循。
Theproject as a whole is innovative – it reimagines the way apartments aredesigned, allowing the living spaces to feel more like spacious homes withgardens than units within buildings. It is also rooted in the landscape, fromSingapore’s physical topography to the legacy of Lee Kuan Yew’s green vision.












项目名称:伊甸园 EDEN
项目总面积:33,425sq ft
建筑面积:70,193sq ft
设计团队(国际):Heatherwick Studio
项目团队:CharlieKentish, Craig Miller, John Minford
项目客户:Swire Properties Ltd/Celestial Fortune
室内设计团队(国际):Heatherwick Studio
建筑设计团队(国际):RSP Architects, Planners & Engineers
景观设计:COENDesign International
土木及结构工程团队:RSP Structures
获奖经历:GreenMark Award for Building – Platinum Rating

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