项目位于广东中山,初探场地,自然气息扑面而来,被众多公园环绕,绝佳地理位置为设计提供了与自然融合的契机。如何创造一种自然与都市间进退从容的平衡气质,兼与私密环境的顶级居所,都成为设计落笔的挑战。 凡是不进入感官的,皆不能进入理性。——亚里士多德 Located in Zhongshan, Guangdong, the site is ideally surrounded by parks, enjoying excellent natural resources. How to build a private and luxury residence in the busy city while keeping a balance between nature and modern convenience, is the biggest challenge for the designer.
设计提出“在场性”的思路,认为顶级生活为内核的山地景观营建应当让人与自然环境能够最和谐的相处。不刻意拘泥传统营造,也不任性张扬自我,而是挖掘在地基因,营造全新城中度假生活方式。 The designer came up with the idea of “Anwesenheit”, believing that excellent mountain landscape will allow humans and nature to exist in harmony. Therefore, the designer practiced beyond the tradition and explored the characteristics of the site, creating a new holiday lifestyle in a natural and modest way. ▽场地资源 Site resources ▽设计演绎 Designed for
为此,以“山水会馆”开篇,经“碧森潭涧”、“山谷飞虹”、高山流水“石上花园”,为意境的山地度假次第展开。 Accordingly, the “Landscape Hall”, “Mountain Stream”, “Bridge over the Valley” and “Rock Garden” present themselves in front of us one by one.
「无需远行,归家即是度假 」 Returning home is a vacation 山水会馆
在步入山水会馆的那一刻,外部的嘈杂与忙碌都悄然停止,宛如时间本身也停止在了一种平静而流畅的空间里。被林荫包围的超大尺度入口空间,与建筑圆洞紧密的云聚水境,不知不觉给人带来一种充满酒店感的高级度假氛围。 The moment you walk into the landscape hall, all the hustle and bustle of city life will be screened off. Time stands still for you in the quiet and peaceful world. The shady entrance and the mirror water close to the opening of the building contribute to a hotel-style holiday atmosphere.
▽入口水景上的艺术雕塑 Art sculpture on the entrance water feature
云聚水境:极具山水人文特征的装饰性水景艺术;青铜锈蚀表面,紫铜金箔封边的云聚雕塑隐映在长条板岩手摆的池底,层现出独属这里的归家高级感。 Mirror water: The water feature is decorated by the rusty bronze surface, copper foil edge and slate hand to highlight the unique style of the space.
▽尊贵品质的归家感 A homecoming of noble qualities
「 全新山地度假生活 」New Holiday Lifestyle 碧深潭间
未见其实,先闻其声,在营销中心中便能听到后场潺潺流水,循声而至,映入眼帘的便是一副山水度假生活画卷,一方蓝铂之境,水光潋滟,是全龄室外的戏水泳池; Right in the sales center you can hear the gurgle of water, following which you can find the swimming pool shimmering in the sun. ▽全龄悠活的户外泳池 Outdoor swimming pool for all ages
错落的台阶,层层的叠水,水石相罄,宁静致远;山涧里的飞虹与造型婀娜的精品乌桕相互隐映;在这天然的山谷中的山、林、水、石,旨在演绎这顶级的山地度假之境。 Water cascades down the steps, reflecting the bridge over the valley and the Chinese tallow tree. Mountain, forest, water and rocks jointly shape the unique style of the holiday destination.
▽感受度假般的生活体验 Experience life as a vacation ▽社区碧谷的夜景 Night view of Green Valley in the neighborhood
「 聆听 山涧的低语 」Whispers of Mountain Stream 高山流水
天然泉水穿过自然的石材肌理,在不断地改变流动形态的过程中汇聚在一起,流向林间。各种鲜花植物妆点的水路,一边奏响着欢快的水声、一边穿行于树木的间隙,为您在此处的散步和休息创造了一个舒适的环境。 Mountain springs run gathering together, forming a stream that flows gurgling down into the valley. Along the stream are colorful flowers, making it an ideal place for a walk and rest.
「 线性语言 极致品味 」Linear Language,Impeccable Taste 山谷飞虹
东卧斜阳西卧波,架桥通隔水,长41m的飞桥连接着山谷上下8米的高差,游走于“飞桥”之上,树影婆娑 ,流水相伴,倒影于水面之间,构成多重立体的自然美学景观。 A 41 meters long bridge is built over the valley, allowing people to walk in the shade, listen to the gurgle of water and enjoy the romantic reflections.
▽顺应场地的架空桥廊 The elevated bridge corridor conforming to the site
「 屋顶山水雅致生活 」Rooftop Life 石上花园
特色碎拼与石镶嵌,与婀娜多姿的树隐映,营造可参与的枯山水,与山谷形成高低对望关系,从这里望下去,自然美景尽收眼里。 Gravel and stone mosaic as well as the graceful trees builds a Japanese-style rock garden that overlooks the beautiful valley.
▽屋顶石上花园 Garden on roof stone
寻石记 STORY OF STONES 方案确定后,业主与设计团队几次进山选石,标记编号,结合场地设计选取推敲,确定石料的位置,姿态,局部的加工和重塑,落实到图纸,并最终呈现在场地里。 All the stones were carefully selected from mountains, and then processed and positioned to present the best visual effect.
▽现场石头编号图 Site stone numbering diagram
巧工和细作 INGENIOUS DESIGN AND CRAFTSMANSHIP 在泳池材料的选择和规格大小上,经过多轮现场打样确定为更现代,更有设计感的48*48海浪灰花岗石,呈现属于当下审美的山地泳池景观。 After discussions and comparisons, 48*48 Persian Grey is finally selected as the ideal material to build a modern and spectacular swimming pool.
▽材料选型 Material selection
设计师依山就势,利用天然形成的山谷与场地对话,将度假风景折叠进社区场景,营造独属这里的山地度假之境,提升社区的高端品质······ Here in your eyes is the first part The designer takes advantage of the natural surroundings and establishes a dialogue between the site and the valley and introduces the holiday-style landscape into the community life. Thus creating a unique holiday atmosphere and highlighting the high quality of the community.
▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial view of project