摘 要
Street View Characteristicsand Protection Strategy of Cultural Landscape Heritage in Ethnic Areas
—— Taking the culturallandscape of Yinchuan Mosque as an example
Yinchuan,as the capital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, gathers political, historical,ethnic and religious colors. With the rapid development of Yinchuan city, themodern urban atmosphere is becoming more and more strong, the national culturallandscape heritage is declining, and the foreign religious landscape is stillinvading. In this paper, the cultural landscape of Yinchuan mosque is taken asthe research entry point. Ten mosques in Yinchuan are selected. The relevantliterature is carefully studied. The historical evolution and spatialdistribution of Yinchuan mosque are systematically studied, and the streets whereYinchuan mosque is located are investigated as a whole. By comparing the streetscenery of the mosque at different times, analyzing the skyline, interfacecontinuity and interface color, this paper makes a thorough study of the streetscenery characteristics of the mosque and finds out the problems existing inthe street scenery of the mosque. Based on the study of the cultural landscapeof Yinchuan Mosque, this paper explores the protection strategies of thecultural landscape heritage street scenery in ethnic areas, which is Yinchuan.The city constructs a city with national characteristics and points outdifferent design directions.
Key words:Nation;Mosque;Cultural landscape;Street landscape;Protect