本帖最后由 Nordic 于 2021-10-19 10:32 编辑
Shunde Grand Opera House was selected as thejury's winning design concept. The concept is a cultural hub rootedin the history of Shunde, with an active arena that looks towards the future.On the ground floor is a museum focusing on the past, while the next levelcontains spaces for contemporary performances. The academy on top will educate,inspire and foster future talent. “With the Shunde Cultural centre we havedeveloped a concept for an extrovert public building where locals and visitorsget to experience the rich traditions of Shunde and world class performances ona range of formal and informal stages”.
n the proposal, Nordic provided arange of opportunities from the grand public performance space in the mainplaza, to more intimate outdoor performances on the roof and in the lobby, inaddition to the three large stages outlined in the client’s program. For the cultural centre, the team createdspaces and stages for a wide variety of encounters and interactions, utilisingthe exterior of the building and surrounding landscape for exploration andevents.
Watersymbolises life in Chinese culture and represents infinite possibilities.Rooted in the rich local culture of water, we have looked at the way the rivershave created the landscape of the site. Our conceptual approach was to shapethe buildings as the river would have shaped it, creating soft flowing lines