







2016-07-09 发布
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ComprehensiveEvaluation and Design Research of Landscape Water Revetment with Ecological RestorationFunction
Ecologicalenvironment of landscape water is closely related with the design of revetment.Combining ecological restoration with landscape revetment plays anindispensable role in the sustainable development of the landscape. The purposeof this paper is to study how to build landscape revetment combining withecological restoration.  The purificationmode of landscape water should be returned to natural,achieving the Chinese garden’s pursuit of natural beauty.
Theresearch content of this paper as the following:
(1)Combining with multiple subjects,the landscape revetment construction elements and evaluation system ofecological restoration would be researched.
(2)Existing landscape revetment ecological restoration effect would becomprehensively analyzed in four aspect including ecological elements,engineering measures,social elements and economic benefits
(3)In view of the current landscape revetment with functions of ecologicalrestoration ,put forward the improvement to help the landscape water to maintain long-termclean. What’s more,landscape ecological revetment modification design case is to be put forward.
Certainfindings have been obtained through research and exploration. The main researchconclusions are as follows:
(1)Landscape water contaminant is mainly the microorganisms in the water whichmainly includes the algae and protozoans. Water quality is mainly influenced inphysical properties. Algae overgrowth in landscape water is the root cause oflandscape water turning in the ugly or black. It is excessive content ofnitrogen, phosphorus and other plantnutrients that cause eutrophication in landscape water directly (especially theenclosed landscape water).
(2) According to main pollution source oflandscape water,four revetment construction elements are put forward,including water element,ecological element,engineering element and economic element. Four elements include 28 factors.Thereinto ecological elements are most important,followed by engineering factor,again to economic factors. Existence of the ecological restoration function isnot influenced by water element which only have impact on its ecologicalfunctions.
(3) 18 factors of revetment construction arechosen as evaluation factors and plus factor and comprehensive evaluationsystem of landscape water body revetment. And it is concluded that 3 existingrevetment in calm water,including palm fiber mat revetment,the turf and aquatic plant revetment,the ripped-rock revetment are with excellent comprehensive performance; 2existing revetment in flow water,including willow tree stump revetment,revetment built with stone cage has excellent comprehensive performance.
(4)Depending on the type of environment,landscape water is divided into five different types. By summing up thefeatures of different environment water,revetment construction key points are concluded. 3 revetments with excellentcomprehensive performance including the palm fiber mat revetment,turf and aquatic plant revetment,the willow tree stumps revetment are applied directly.
Atthe same time,potential revetments are improved,including ripped-rock with plants revetment,ladder-like stone cage revetment,vertical stone cage revetment,u-shaped ecological concrete - aquatic plant revetment,ladder-like fish-nest brisk revetment,multiple fish-nest brisk revetment,multiple stone cage revetment. Comprehensive evaluation of above 10 ecologicalrevetment grade is good,and most comprehensive evaluation index get high marks. Finally Liwan Lake andLizhiwan River are taken as an design example to apply the ecologicalrevetments.
Keywordsecological restoration; landscape water;ecological revetment


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