






Cobe | Orientkaj和Nordhavn地铁站

2020-06-27 发布
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©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

Part of the Nordhavn metro line extension connecting the docklands to Copenhagen’s city center, Arup and Cobe have worked together to design two new metro stations, Orientkaj and Nordhavn, under the Nordhavn metro line extension. The recently opened public transport link unlocks the potential for the redevelopment of Copenhagen’s northern docklands, one of the largest urban regeneration projects in northern Europe.

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

The two metro stations possess distinct visual characteristics that reflect the character of the urban areas they serve. Tracing the outline of a shipping container, the overground Orientkaj station celebrates the large-scale volumes and brutalist features of the dockland’s industrial past but opens up to reveal a passenger-focused, human-scaled detailing on the inside. The underground Nordhavn station borrows from the design vocabulary of the recently-opened Cityringen metro line – for which Arup led the architectural design – with the distinctive red cladding of transfer stations.

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

The above ground Orientkaj station has been designed as a prototype for future stations under the ongoing development of Copenhagen’s Nordhavn – a new city district, also designed by Cobe, which will add over 1,500,000 m² of sustainable mixed-use buildings and provide homes for 40,000 residents and workspaces for another 40,000.

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

建筑师兼Cobe事务所创始人Dan Stubbergaard表示:“Nordhavn是一个交通可持续的城市,在这里,步行、骑行和公共交通比自己开车更加方便。两座地铁站重新释放了哥本哈根新城区的潜力,在独立的街区之间、以及它们与哥本哈根的其他地区之间建立了更加高效和可持续的交通连接,同时也为哥本哈根的海港历史谱写了新的篇章。”
“Nordhavn is a city of sustainable mobility, where it is easier to walk, bike or use public transport, than it is to drive your own car. The two metro stations unlock the potential of this new Copenhagen city district enabling more efficient and sustainable transport between the individual neighbourhoods, and to the rest of Copenhagen, while adding a new chapter to the story of the Copenhagen harbour front”, says Dan Stubbergaard, architect and founder of Cobe.

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

The two metro stations opened on 28 March 2020, with trains running from Copenhagen Central Station to Nordhavn in just four minutes. The two metro stations are expected to have 9,000 daily users by 2025.

Orientkaj station: Harbour scale meets human detailing

Anchored by bold concrete claws onto the Copenhagen harbour, the station is designed as a glass, concrete and aluminium box commandeering panoramic views over Orientkaj dock. As a prototype, Orientkaj station is designed to make a statement, offering a model for any future overground stations in the Nordhavn development. Despite the station’s scale and sharp outline, the architects’ passenger-focused approach is highlighted by the detailing inside, from the lighting to the material palette.

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

Arup的首席建筑师Kristian Winther表示:“Orientkaj车站的设计赞颂了码头区的工业历史和风貌,但最重要的是,它为这座发展中的城市区域的来访者提供了绝佳的交通体验。”
“The design of Orientkaj station celebrates the character and industrial past of the docklands, but most importantly, it provides a great passenger experience for visitors to this growing area of Copenhagen”, said Arup’s lead architect, Kristian Winther.

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

Serving a mixed-use urban area with offices, transformed warehouses and new housing developments, Orientkaj station needed to be distinctive enough to become a local landmark, while blending in with the white surrounding buildings. Anticipating a possible future high-rise development next to the station, the architects have used anodised aluminium panels on all façades as well as roof and soffit: placed at angles, the aluminium cladding catches the colours of the sky and ensures the station offers beautiful lines of sight from all angles.

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

Views from the station platform have also been a key design consideration: the large, glass platform screen doors mean that on a clear day, passengers can look across the Øresund into Sweden. Two rotated, concrete staircases connect the station to the ground level. Under the station, the 33-meter long concrete spans and V-shaped piers minimise the station’s footprint while maximising the open, flexible urban space to accommodate a range of future uses, including bike lanes and a public urban space along the waterfront.

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

Inside the station, the vast rectangular hall is column-free, supported by the external concrete frames. Skylights mimicking the shed roofs found in the area’s former industrial buildings allow natural light to flood the station during the day, while integrated luminaries give a pleasant light at night. The scale of the brutalist concrete exterior is juxtaposed with polished detailing inside, adding a practical materiality to the station: white hexagonal mosaic covers the stairs and lift towers, while corners have been rounded for a softer, more human-friendly finish.

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

Nordhavn station: Design goes underground

Nordhavn车站的设计延续了2019年开通的Cityringen M3地铁线的形式,两条线路无缝对接,给乘客以延续感。二者的站台长度以及信息系统和寻路系统均保持一致,前者的室内立面则采用了Cityringen中转站的红色瓷砖。新地铁站的天花板也和Cityringen采用同样的设计主题。折纸一般的天花板可以反射光线,照亮空间的每一个角落。
Nordhavn station provides design continuity with the Cityringen M3 metro line, which opened in 2019, to create a seamless travel experience for passengers travelling between the two lines: platform length, information systems and wayfinding are the same, while the interior façades are clad in the red tiles characteristic of Cityringen’s interchange stations. Continuing another design theme from Cityringen, the new metro station’s origami ceiling has been designed to reflect light throughout.

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

Nordhavn S-train中转站位于一条繁忙的交通主干道地下。直观的寻路系统是地下车站设计需要考虑的重点问题,它们在地下站台和换乘通道之间建立起清晰的视觉联系,让乘客能够从一侧清楚地看到另一侧,从而感到更为舒适和安全。
An underground transfer station at Nordhavn S-train lies under a busy traffic artery. Intuitive wayfinding was a key design consideration for this underground station with clear lines of sight between the underground station and the transfer tunnels, allowing users to see all the way through to the other side, enhancing the feeling of comfort and safety.

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

Folded ceramic panels also provide a sense of movement, building to a great reveal in the transfer tunnel: the angled wall claddings reveal a different hue changing from white to red as passengers move through.

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

©Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

Nordhavn station
尺寸:平台44 x 7米
建筑饰面:CAS JV

Orientkaj Station
尺寸:平台44 x 9米

照片: Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

Nordhavn station
Client: Metroselskabet
Year: 2013-2020
Size: Platform 44 x 7 metre
Architects: Arup and Cobe
Architectural finishes: CAS JV
Engineers: RambøllArup JV
Contractor: Metnord
Lighting design: Arup
Landscape architects: Cobe, Sleth and Polyform

Orientkaj Station
Client: Metroselskabet
Year: 2013-2020
Size: Platform 44 x 9 metre
Architects: Arup and Cobe
Engineers: RambøllArup JV
Contractor: Metnord
Lighting design: Arup
Landscape architects: Cobe, Sleth and Polyform

Elevated railway
Client: Metroselskabet
Year: 2013-2020
Architects: Arup and Cobe
Engineers: RambøllArup JV
Photo: Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST

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