摘要 2015年6月1日广州市13个儿童公园经过更新和修复后向市民开启,增加了大量专门为广州市少年儿童打造的,提供游戏及开展科普、文化活动的公园绿地。在众多的赞誉声中也有人提出了他们的担忧和隐患:儿童公园中的游戏空间的类型较为单调,不利于儿童发挥创造力和想象力。 本文以儿童公园游戏空间为研究对象,通过观察与访谈、使用者分析、满意度分析等研究方法,在对儿童公园游戏空间设计理论探讨和优秀案例分析的基础上,选取广州市儿童公园、天河区儿童公园和番禺区儿童公园这三个广州市儿童专类公园中具有代表性的游戏空间进行分析。通过从尺度、地形、植物、边界和配套设施的角度进行分析,总结归纳场地的特色和存在的问题。最后,本文将结合前面的分析,对游戏空间的主体部分和附属空间的营造提出一定的想法和思路,希望为广州市的儿童公园建造和改造提供一定的借鉴和帮助。 关键词:风景园林,广州,儿童公园,游戏空间
Discussion on Activity Space Constructionof Children’s Park in Guangzhou As of June 1, 2015 thirteen of thechildren’s parks in Guangzhou have been open to the citizen after updating andrepairing. A lot ofgreen lands are added to provide game space, scientific activity space andcultural activity space for local children.As the voice of support grows, people have to face the following worries andhidden danger. The development of children's park are becoming more and moremechanized and monotonous and it is difficult to for children to develop theircreativity and imagination. This paper has a research on activity space inchildren’s park. By using the surveymethods of observation and interviews, user analysis and satisfactionevaluation, and also learning the theory on design and excellent case ofchildren’s activity space, this paper takes Guangzhou Children’s Park, TianheChildren’s Park and Panyu Children’s Park for example to analyze the activityspace construction of children’s park. And then, this paper summarizes thefeature and existed problems through analyzing the scale, terrain, plants, borderand supporting facilities of the activity space. Finally, this paper summarizes the analysis aboveand put forward some of the thoughts and ideas on the construction of the mainpart and auxiliary part of the activity space soas to provide some help and reference for the construction and reconstructionof children’s parks in Guangzhou. Keywords:Landscape, Guangzhou, Children’s Park, ActivitySpace,