







2022-08-10 发布
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Theaim of the course “Contemporary Landscape” for the academic year 2021-2022 wasto interpret and imagine metropolitan landscapes. As students at Politecnico diMilano, we were called to propose a new concept for a metropolitan part in theChinese city of Hangzhou.
Thistask was challenging for us for two main reasons: first, only a few of us hadbeen to China before, and due to the pandemic situation, we were unable tovisit the site. Secondly, since the communication channels in Europe are sodifferent from the ones used in China, we had to find alternative ways toarchive information regarding our study area. But we were not alone: we werejoined in the course by Zhejiang University, who worked parallel to us in adidactic Diptych. Alongside them, we were inspired during the course by Chineselecturers, led by Prof. Yuting Xie from Zhejiang university and Prof. ChristianNolf from Wageningen university, visiting professor at Polimi for this year.Furthermore, each group focusing on Hangzhou received the support of a nativeChinese (in our case, Yilin Wang) who had the role of bridging between theforeigner part of the group and the Chinese lecturers, in order to understandbetter how to conduct the studio project.
Wefocused on the Ecological aspect of the city and based our concept on how toimplement the notorious 3-30-300 rule in the city of Hangzhou. This set ofrules, invented by Prof. Cecil Konijnendijk in 2021 as a response to thepost-pandemic city, is well fitted to the traditional scheme of patches, edges,and corridors. We combined these concepts in order to make Hangzhou greener andbuild a metropolitan park, in coherence with the 2021-2035 Territorial SpatialPlan.
Wedivide the transect that we were assigned into three squares of 1km x 1km, eachof them having its potentialities and issues.
SquareA represents the filter zone between the city and the countryside. Our proposalwill consist of a connection with the canals and in the nitrogen filter zone,posed between the rural and urbanized areas. The edge filter will develop thegreen areas by 30% and will add 2000 more trees. We believe that the filterareas are the most important ones to the local flora and fauna because they canact like a biodiversity corridor and can facilitate the passage of migratoryanimals. We want to preserve in particular the vegetation and the amphibiousanimals living in the canals, that are now polluted from the city waste. Bymaking the corridors greener and more protected, they can find their perfecthabitat more easily.
SquareB introduces the theme of fragmentation, repetition and abandonment of greenareas and buildings. Our strategy consists of the connection to the existinggreen areas to the Grand Canal and the conversion of the warehouse into anatural museum. This intervention will give almost 3000 trees to Hangzhou cityand will increase green areas to reach 22%. In our proposal, nature will returnto the city thanks to regreening techniques.
Yetagain, isolation is the main problem of the third square, green areas are notconnected with the estuary and with each other. We propose an estuary gate,giving back the waterfront to nature and connecting it to the city green areas,in particular to the local university. This part of the project involves 1500 treesand green areas to grow around 40%.

这项任务对我们来说具有挑战性,主要有两个原因:首先,我们中只有少数人以前去过中国,而且由于大流行的情况,我们无法参观现场。其次,由于欧洲的沟通渠道与中国使用的沟通渠道大不相同,我们不得不寻找替代方法来寻找有关我们研究区域的信息。但我们并不孤单:浙江大学也加入了我们的课程,我们在课程中受到了中国讲师的启发,由浙江大学的谢玉婷教授和瓦赫宁根大学的Christian Nolf教授领导,他是今年米兰理工大学的客座教授。此外,每个以杭州为中心的小组都得到了一位中国人(在我们的例子中是王艺霖)的支持,她在小组中的外国人部分和中国讲师之间起到了桥梁的作用,以便更好地了解如何进行工作室项目。
我们专注于城市的生态方面,并将我们的理念建立在如何在杭州市实施3-30-300规则。这套规则是由 Cecil Konijnendijk 教授于 2021 年为应对疫情后的城市而发明的,非常契合传统的斑块、边缘和走廊方案。我们将这些概念结合起来,以使杭州更加绿色,并根据 2021-2035 年国土空间规划建设一个新生态格局。
我们将分配给我们的样带划分为三个 1km x 1km 的方格,每个方格都有其潜力和问题。
正方形A代表城市和乡村之间的过渡带。我们的建议将包括与运河和氮过滤区的连接,位于农村和城市化地区之间。边界过滤器会将绿色区域扩大 30%,并增加 2000 棵树。我们认为过滤区对当地动植物来说是最重要的,因为它们可以起到生物多样性走廊的作用,并可以促进迁徙动物的通过。我们特别想保护生活在运河中的植被和两栖动物,它们现在受到城市垃圾的污染。通过使走廊更环保、更受保护,他们可以更轻松地找到完美的栖息地。
广场B引入了绿地和建筑的碎片化、重复和废弃的主题。我们的策略包括将现有绿地与大运河连接起来,并将仓库改造成自然博物馆。这项干预将为杭州市提供近 3000 棵树,并将绿化面积增加到 22%。在我们的提议中,由于绿化技术,大自然将回归城市。
再次,被孤立是第三广场的主要问题,绿地与河口不相连,绿地之间相互不相连。我们提出了一个河口大门,将滨水区还给自然,并将其与城市绿地,特别是当地大学连接起来。该项目的这一部分涉及 1500 棵树和绿地,增长约 40%。

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