除此之外,设计着意营造舒适轻松的氛围,在彰显无锡城市特色的同时,服务于周边居民满足多种需求,唤醒人们对城市的记忆、增强认同感,打造生产、生活、生态三位一体的特色滨水工业纪念园区。This design intercepts a section of the abandoned industrial zone along the Wuxi ancient Canal for transformation design. The design respects the current situation of the site and preserves the original buildings and industrial relics. At the same time, using the design concept of urban catalyst and the design method of montage, the design plane presents the form of circuit board, which echoes the industrial history along the canal. Based on the canal culture, industrial history and farmland texture of Wuxi, poplar forest and ecological clean pool are used to purify air and water quality and restore environmental pollution caused by factories along the coast in the past.
In addition, the design is designed to create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, while highlighting the characteristics of Wuxi city, to serve the surrounding residents, to meet a variety of needs, to wake up people's memory of the city, enhance the sense of identity, to create a characteristics of production, life, ecological trinity waterfront industrial memorial park.