本帖最后由 violet29 于 2022-7-30 11:32 编辑
本设计位于北京城市副中心——通州的中心商务区。由于城市功能的重新划分,这里有大量退休后随家人移民到这里的年轻人和老人,因此,这里的人口年龄组成也较为复杂。 本城市设计希望结合运河历史文化,为市民营造轻松的生活归属感和浪漫的文化情怀。提炼出漕运文化中运输的木材的横截面(“年轮”)概念,以其作为连接整个设计的中心线索,并参考了新城市主义、紧凑城市理论、花园城市等概念对中心商务区进行再规划。我们保留了古建筑与大量绿地以及原有建筑、区域之间的关系,利用沿河的码头和步道将人与自然连接起来,同时在城市中插入许多商业街、运动场馆、活动场地等点状公共空间串连整个地片,创造更加亲近自然的文化空间。 This design is located in the deputy citycenter of Beijing, the central business district of Tongzhou. Due to thefunction of the city, there are a large number of young people of "Beijingdrifters" and old people who emigrated here with their families afterretirement. Therefore, the age group of the population here is alsocomplicated. This urban design hopes to combine thehistory and culture of the canal to create a relaxed sense of belonging andromantic cultural feelings for citizens. We extract the concept of woodcross-section wood grain in water transport culture to connect the logic of thewhole design, and refer to the concepts of new urbanism, compact city theory,garden city and so on. Retain the ancient architecture and a large number ofgreen space as well as the original area relationship. In addition, the use ofdocks and trails along the river to connect people with nature, while insertinga lot of dotted sports venues and public spaces in the city to create a placeto connect this site, close to the natural cultural space.