全球气候变暖,海平面上升,沿海地区该如何面对生态环境问题成为持久的焦点,项目选址于香港岛西南侧沿海,希望用生态和人居结合的方式对沿海问题提出可能的解决策略。 建筑不仅是实体,建筑也可以拥有生命,本设计将防水堤坝模拟成红树林的构造与功能,将光合作用、加快生态演替等红树林的特点以先进的科技装置赋予给全新的建筑堤坝,同时设计游泳、垂钓、水下宾馆、市民健身等多样的功能空间,使得人与自然交互共生。这样一种以“生命”的角度思考原有建筑实体可能成为将来解决生态问题的一种策略方向。 With global warming and rising sea levels, the issue of how to face the ecological environment in coastal areas has become an enduring focus. The project is located on the southwest coast of Hong Kong Island, hoping to propose a possible solution to the coastal issue by combining ecology and habitat. The design of this project simulates the structure and function of a mangrove forest with a waterproof dyke. The characteristics of mangroves such as photosynthesis and accelerated ecological succession are given to the new dyke with advanced technological devices, while a variety of functional spaces such as swimming, fishing, underwater hotel and public fitness are designed to enable the interaction and symbiosis between humans and nature. This kind of thinking about the original building entity from the perspective of "life" may become a strategic direction for solving ecological problems in the future.