喀拉拉邦是印度西南部的一个邦,西临阿拉伯海,东靠西高止山,南北狭长,中段较宽。喀拉拉邦河流纵横,属地有44条河流,遍布南北,江河湖泊里,商船、渔船和游船络绎不绝,给当地人民提供了便利的水路交通,城市数量、道路密度和人口数量均从沿海向内陆依次递减,四十年来当地产业逐渐现代化,以旅游服务业为主,但是洪涝问题,严重地危害了当地居民生命财产安全,限制了当地发展。当地热带森林气候,炎热多雨,年降水量平均为2,400毫米,每年冬夏降雨量激增。海洋季风导致的涨潮致使海洋连同内陆河水位上升,季风被高山拦截又引起大量降雨,同时人类对自然环境的过度破坏以及政府不当的泄洪也是引发洪水的重要因素。 本设计以促进和谐人地关系为原则,以水利工程设施与生态基础设施为设计策略,以保障居民生命财产安全、促进区域发展为设计目标。设计主体为一道硬质防洪堤坝与其前后的两道韧性生态植被防护,堤坝通过构造抵御洪水以及内部管道对水引流做到雨季防洪排涝,旱季蓄水。植被生境则在缓冲洪水的同时,与防洪堤结合,作为城市绿道、生态廊道、阶梯集市,做到营造区域生态景观,促进区域经济旅游发展的作用。 Kerala is a state in the southwest of India, facing the Arabian Sea in the west and the Western Ghats in the east, with a long and narrow north-south distance and a wide middle section. There are 44 rivers in Kerala, spreading from north to south, and the rivers and lakes are endlessly flowing with merchant ships, fishing boats and sightseeing boats, providing convenient waterway transportation for the local people. The number of cities, road density and population are decreasing from the coast to the interior. It has a tropical forest climate, with an average annual rainfall of 2,400 mm. The local tropical forest climate is hot and rainy, with an average annual rainfall of 2,400 mm and a sharp increase in rainfall in winter and summer. The high tide caused by the marine monsoon causes the water level of the ocean and inland rivers to rise, and the interception of the monsoon by high mountains causes a lot of rainfall. The design is based on the principle of promoting a harmonious relationship between man and land, with water conservancy facilities and ecological infrastructure as the design strategy and the goal of protecting the lives and properties of residents and promoting regional development. The levee is constructed to resist floods and divert water through internal pipes to prevent flooding in the rainy season and store water in the dry season. The vegetation habitat buffers the floodwater and combines with the levee as an urban greenway, an ecological corridor and a stairway marketplace to create a regional ecological landscape and promote the development of regional economic tourism.