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2021-10-26 发布
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邦飞利公司新总部大楼外观 Exterior of New Bonfiglioli Headquarters ©Renderings by Peter Pichler Architecture


The new Bonfiglioli Headquarters, located in the outskirts of Bologna, Italy, arises from the need to create an efficient and functional office building that expresses the professionalism, innovation, and proud history of the Italian company. Bonfiglioli is a global leader in the design, production, and distribution of a full range of gearmotors, drive systems, planetary gearboxes, and inverters, handling the most complex demands in industrial automation, mobile machinery, and renewable energy.

该总部是邦飞利集团在意大利最大的工业基地,是名为EVO的大型开发项目缺失的最后一块。EVO的设计旨在满足最新的能效标准,在环境影响方面提供卓越性能,由3 MW峰值功率光伏发电厂提供动力,不仅能安装在现有新厂房屋顶上,还能安装在员工停车场的遮阳顶篷上。新总部被规划为NZEB(零碳建筑),并配备了地热泵和辐射换热天花板,可进一步节约能源并补充内部舒适度。新总部是一个显著的地标建筑,既超越周围环境,又与环境融为一体。通过智能几何形态,以创新不同凡响的方式实现可持续性。

The headquarter is the last missing piece in a larger development called EVO, which is the Group’s largest industrial site in Italy. EVO is designed to satisfy the most recent energy efficiency standards, offering outstanding performance in terms of environmental impact, powered by a 3 MW peak power photovoltaic plant, mounted not only on the existing new plant roofs but also on the awnings of the staff car park. The new HQ are planned as NZEB (nearly Zero Energy Building) and features geothermal heat pumps and radiant ceilings to further save energy and obtain additional internal comfort. The new headquarters is a recognizable landmark that both rises above and integrates itself with the surroundings. With a radical approach towards sustainability with an intelligent geometry.

邦飞利公司新总部大楼外观 Exterior of New Bonfiglioli Headquarters ©Renderings by Peter Pichler Architecture


The starting point of the design was to introduce the courtyard typology of the existent masterplan buildings into our massing. The courtyard has a green garden on the ground floor and creates natural ventilation (cross ventilation with chimney effect). As a reaction to the local sunlight conditions, by sloping the building’s roof, the North facing façade is enlarged to maximize the workspaces with indirect natural light conditions. At the same time, this reduces the South facing façade, which improves internal comfort. It is almost a celebration of the indirect north light expressed by the geometry of the building.

庭院底层有绿色花园,营造自然通风 The courtyard has a green garden on the ground floor and creates natural ventilation ©Renderings by Peter Pichler Architecture


South facing façades and roof of the headquarter feature a second skin made of a continuous pleaded custom-made aluminum mesh. The second skin filters the harsh light to obtain a comfortable interior work environment while recalling the metal shavings that are produced daily as a byproduct of the company supply chain.

南立面和屋顶采用双层表皮,由连续的定制铝网制成 South facing façades and roof of the headquarter feature a second skin made of a continuous pleaded custom-made aluminum mesh ©Renderings by Peter Pichler Architecture


Internally, the departments have been distributed onto the various levels in accordance with their degree of relationship with the public and with the functions present in the nearby buildings. To increase the connectivity between the departments and the people working in them, the largest departments are divided into two levels, internally connected with a spiral staircase through a generous double-height space.

最大的部门被分为两层,内部通过宽敞的双层高空间用螺旋楼梯进行连接 The largest departments are divided into two levels, internally connected with a spiral staircase through a generous double-height space ©Renderings by Peter Pichler Architecture


To future proof, the building allows total internal flexibility and column-free spaces by bringing the load-bearing structure out onto the façade. The load-bearing structure is expressed as a steel exoskeleton, highlighting its technical and industrial character while accentuating its verticality. This envelope becomes then the roof, which is almost a fifth façade.

钢制外骨骼 Steel exoskeleton ©Renderings by Peter Pichler Architecture


The Bonfiglioli Headquarters is an exemplary project in terms of sustainability and environmental design. The elements that constitute its DNA are: The low-carbon design, achieving self-sufficiency of the building in terms of energy. The great attention to health wellbeing in this post-pandemic era. And, the application of the circular economy principles to maintain the building capacity to be adapted in the future in the needs of the client.


总平图 Site plan ©Peter Pichler Architecture

一层到八层平面图 Ground floor plan-7th floor plan ©Peter Pichler Architecture

东北立面、西北立面、东南立面、西南立面 North East, North West, South East, South West Elevation ©Peter Pichler Architecture

横剖面1、2 & 纵剖面 Cross Section 1,2 & Longitudinal Section ©Peter Pichler Architecture

项目名称 PROJECT: Bonfiglioli Headquarters
项目位置 LOCATION: Calderara di Reno, Bologna, Italy
项目时间 YEAR: 2021
项目业主 CLIENT: Bonfiglioli
项目面积 SIZE: 6200m²
设计机构 ARCHITECTURE: Peter Pichler Architecture
PPA Principals: Peter Pichler, Silvana Ordinas
PPA Design Team: Peter Pichler, Ugo Licciardi, Niklas Knap, Simona Alù, Cem Ozbasaran, Giovanni Paterlini, Domenico Calabrese, Nathalia Rotelli, Angela Ferrari, Alessandro Cardellini, Simone Valbusa
机械电气管道 MEP: ARUP
建筑声学 ACOUSTICS: Solarraum
消防咨询 FIRE CONSULTANT: ICS Ingegneria
项目状态 STATUS: Under construction

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