2014年,丹麦BIG建筑公司(Bjarke Ingels Group)赢得全新博物馆的公开招标,开展历史建筑的扩建工程,并设计一栋现代化的螺旋式玻璃结构展馆,比邻爱彼最古老的建筑。这座历史最悠久的建筑正是1875年 Jules Louis Audemars与Edward Auguste Piguet创立爱彼品牌的所在地 —从技术层面看来,这在当时的汝山谷堪称一家新创公司。古今建筑融为一体的设计,正是爱彼植根传统、前瞻未来的品牌理念的写照:以爱彼的精湛工艺为核心,致敬品牌发源地汝山谷。螺旋式结构展馆与自然景观浑然天成,将为爱彼制表师打造融合极致工艺与非凡设计的时计杰作提供崭新的舞台。
In 2014, BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group) won the architectural competition Audemars Piguet hosted to expand its historical premises. The firm designed a contemporary spiral-shaped glass pavilion to complement the company’s oldest building, where Jules Louis Audemars and Edward Auguste Piguet set their workshop, technically a start-up of the old times, in 1875. This architectural combination symbolises the blend of tradition and forward thinking at the heart of Audemars Piguet’s craftsmanship, while honouring its deep-rooted origins in the Vallée de Joux. BIG’s high-concept spiral, seamlessly rising from the ground, offers a pristine setting for the masterpieces of technicity and design which have taken shape, year after year, in this remote valley of the Swiss Jura Mountains.
螺旋式结构的展馆内设有传统制表工坊,观者可以近距离体验和感受爱彼技艺高超的制表师手工打造复杂功能时计的细节。大复杂功能与Métiers d’Art传统工艺工坊位于博物馆的心脏位置,为展馆展示的诸多融合精密机械与美学设计的时计杰作注入生机。
Traditional workshops, where some of the Manufacture’s most complicated timepieces are still perfected today, have been included in the museum’s spatial experience to bring visitors in close contact with Audemars Piguet’s craftspeople. The Grandes Complications and Métiers d’Art Ateliers, situated at the heart of the spiral, infuse life into the numerous feats of mechanical mastery and design exhibited throughout the museum.
爱彼博物馆Musée Atelier是一项规模宏伟的工程,为观者展现出深入了解汝山谷和高级制表史的独特视角。得益于建筑师、工程师、当地手工艺匠人等众多领域专家的创想和参与,以及爱彼相关团队的精诚合作,这一工程才得以实现。每一位参与者因此突破所在领域的极限,创造出崭新创想与实践。爱彼的品牌发展史因此开启全新篇章,在之后的岁月历程中,必将收获更为丰厚的积淀与传承。
Today, the Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet offers a unique perspective of the Vallée de Joux and of the history of watchmaking—an ambitious architectural and museographical project made possible thanks to the creativity and collaboration of a host of experts, including architects, engineers and local artisans, as well as numerous departments within Audemars Piguet. All individuals involved pushed the limits of their craft to reach new heights. This is just the beginning of an ongoing story, it takes time to create a legacy.
“我们希望观者在彰显植根传统、前瞻未来的品牌理念的全新博物馆中,感受爱彼丰富的历史传承、精湛工艺、文化根源与面向世界的精神。更重要的是,我们要向造就爱彼的世代制表师和能工巧匠致敬。” —Jasmine Audemars,爱彼董事会主席
“We wanted visitors to experience our heritage, savoir-faire, cultural origins and openness to the world in a building that would refect both our rootedness and forward-thinking spirit. But, before all, we wanted to pay tribute to the watchmakers and craftspeople who have made what Audemars Piguet is today, generation after generation.” -Jasmine Audemars, Audemars Piguet’s Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
爱彼博物馆Musée Atelier将带领观者亲历其境,体验爱彼历史、现在与未来的创作艺术。创新的螺旋式当代设计与传统制表工艺交织出互动交流和现场展示的空间,体现出品牌独立自主的精神,以及致力于将植根于汝山谷的高级制表传统推广至全球各地的愿景。
The Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet immerses visitors in the Swiss manufacturer’s cultural universe past, present and future. A space of live craft and encounters entwining contemporary architecture, pioneering scenography and traditional savoir-faire, the Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet embodies the Manufacture’s free spirit and devotion to the perpetuation of Haute Horlogerie in the Vallée de Joux and beyond.
爱彼博物馆Musée Atelier是品牌前瞻精神的生动写照。进入博物馆,观者仿佛走进一条时光隧道,回顾制表业在“瑞士高级钟表业摇篮”汝山谷的发展史,通过别开生面的现场布置,近距离品鉴精选的经典表款和当代时计,感受爱彼丰富的历史传承。
The Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet exemplifes the spirit of visionary workmanship the Manufacture has always championed. After briefy retracing the development of watchmaking in the Vallée de Joux, known today as one of the cradles of Swiss complicated watches, the scenography presents Audemars Piguet’s rich legacy through a selection of the brand’s emblematic heritage and contemporary timepieces.
由德国博物馆设计团队Atelier Brückner设计的展示空间,彷佛数个乐章组成的交响曲。穿插其间的雕塑、自动人偶、动力装置、复杂的机芯模型等,以生动的方式呈现与高级制表息息相关的工艺技术与设计。观者还可亲自体验爱彼传承至今的手工润饰工艺,如缎面打磨和环形纹打磨。来到螺旋式展馆的中心,观者将为复杂功能的登峰造极之作而心弦激荡,叹为观止。
“爱彼博物馆MUSÉE ATELIER为探索、学习、分享提供了完美的空间,我们在此将制表业的专业知识和技术传承至下一代。博物馆的建筑和现场设计蕴含着复杂的技术内涵,与一枚 大复杂功能腕表的机芯有着异曲同工之妙。”——Sébastian Vivas爱彼历史遗产及博物馆总监
To offer visitors a diverse experience with crescendos, highpoints and contemplative moments, German museum designer ATELIER BRÜCKNER imagined the composition of the exhibition as a musical score. Interludes, including sculptures, automata, kinetic installations and mock-ups of intricate mechnical movements, give life and rhythm to various aspects of horological technique and design. Visitors are also invited to try their hands at some of the ancestral techniques perpetuated by Audemars Piguet’s fnishing experts, such as satin brushing and circular graining. The visit culminates at the centre of the spiral with the display of Grandes Complications.
“The Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet is a unique place of discovery, learning and conviviality where knowledge and savoir-faire are passed on to the next generation. The technical complexity of its architecture and scenography connects it to the highly complicated movement of a Grande Complication.” —Sébastian Vivas, Audemars Piguet’s Heritage and Museum Director
博物馆展出跨越200年历史、超过300枚怀表和腕表作品,包括体现爱彼在复杂功能、微型工艺和突破常规的非凡设计领域最具代表性的典范之作。通过这些时计杰作,观者可以深入了解19世纪的制表师如何在位于瑞士侏罗山脉的偏远村落中,打造出百年来风靡全球的精湛时计作品。螺旋式展馆的中心汇集了爱彼复杂功能制表最具代表性的作品,将展厅内的时计展示推向高潮。球形展柜如同太阳系的行星,承载自爱彼创立以来始终占据复杂功能制表核心的 天文显示、钟乐报时和计时码表三类杰作, 围绕着1899年问世的超卓复杂功能Universelle怀表,令人联想到与制表息息相关的天体运行 的规律。 这一展区的终点,则陈列着琳琅满目的皇家橡树系列、皇家橡树离岸型和皇家橡树概念系列腕表杰作。
The showcases spanning over two centuries of history display more than 300 watches, including feats of complication, miniaturisation and unconventional designs. These watches of exception tell the story of how modest nineteenth-century artisans from an isolated valley at the heart of the Swiss Jura produced creations that caught the eye of metropolitan clients abroad and continue to captivate watch enthusiasts today across the world.The Manufacture’s complicated masterpieces are located at the centre of the spiral, where the architectural intensity is at its highest. The astronomical, chiming and chronograph complications that have been at the core of Audemars Piguet since its establishment are orbiting around the ultra-complicated Universelle pocket watch from 1899. Inspired by the solar system, the spherical showcases of this section evoke the astronomical cycles of time at the heart of watchmaking. The watch exhibition ends on a rich collection of Royal Oak, Royal Oak Offshore and Royal Oak Concept.
为使观者近距离了解复杂功能时计的制作过程,爱彼博物馆Musée Atelier在展馆中心设有两个工坊,以展示爱彼秉承的高级制表工艺。 其一的大复杂功能工坊,展现出具有超过648个 机芯部件的大复杂功能腕表,如何在一位专属 制表师的手中历时6至8个月得以完成。另一个Métiers d’Art传统工艺工坊中,高级珠宝系列作品在此进行设计,并由珠宝设计师、宝石镶嵌师和雕刻师亲手打造。两大工坊宛如连接历史、当下与未来的桥梁,不断打造出全新力作,传承品牌突破创新、臻于完美的精神。
Complementing the display of complicated timepieces, the Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet showcases the Manufacture’s ancestral savoir-faire through two specialised ateliers situated at the heart of the spiral. The frst is dedicated to the Grandes Complications, where each watch composed of more than 648 components spends from 6 to 8 months in the hands of a single watchmaker before leaving the workshop. The second workshop hosts the Métiers d’Art, where Haute Joaillerie creations are conceived and crafted by highly skilled jewellers, gem-setters and engravers. Looking at the past, present and future, these two ateliers, where some of Audemars Piguet’s most intricate creations are still produced today, embody the Manufacture’s uncompromising spirit.
爱彼博物馆Musée Atelier的螺旋式展馆由丹麦BIG建筑公司设计、瑞士CCHE建筑公司建造,破土而出的弧面玻璃幕墙与自然景观和谐融为一体。这是位于汝山谷这种高海拔地区的首座玻璃幕墙建筑,攻克了工程学与美学设计的双重挑战,钢结构屋顶的重量完全由弧面玻璃板支撑,外侧的黄铜材质网栅具有调节光线和温度的功能。绿化草坪屋顶可进一步调节馆内温度,并吸收雨水。
The Musée Atelier’s spiral-shaped pavilion, designed by BIG and realised by the Swiss architecture offce CCHE, seamlessly rises on walls of structural curved glass. A feat of engineering and design, it is the frst construction of its kind to be built at such altitude. The curved glazing entirely supports the steel roof, while a brass mesh runs along the external surface to regulate light and temperature. The green roof further helps regulate temperature, while absorbing water.
The spiral has been designed to perfectly integrate the surrounding landscape. The floors follow different slants to adapt to the natural gradient of the land and provide the basis of the museum’s inner layout stretched into a linear continuous spatial experience. Inside, the curved glass walls converge clockwise towards the spiral’s centre, before moving in the opposite direction: visitors travel through the building as they would through the spring of a timepiece.
“高级制表与建筑设计一样,是赋予金属和矿物能量、动力、智慧与节律的艺术与科学,并因此缔造细诉光阴故事的灵动作品。”——Bjarke Ingels,BIG建筑公司创始人和创意总监
“Watchmaking like architecture is the art and science of imbuing metals and minerals with energy, movement, intelligence and measure to bring them to life in the form of telling time.” —Bjarke Ingels, BIG Founder and Creative Director
极具当代设计感的全新展馆体现了爱彼在高级制表和文化项目中提倡的“架构创新”精神。展馆完全符合瑞士Minergi高品质节能建筑的认证。此外,爱彼还在发源地布拉苏丝兴建全新Hôtel des Horlogers酒店。这一项目同样由BIG建筑公司设计,并由当地的CCHE建筑公司负责建造,将于2021年夏季隆重开幕,为融合传统与现代的可持续建筑设计树立全新里程碑。
This new contemporary building reflects the Manufacture’s commitment to architectural innovation regarding manufacturing and cultural projects alike. It fulfls the requirements of the Swiss Minergie certifcation in terms of energy efficiency and high quality construction. The company is also building the new Hôtel des Horlogers in its hometown of Le Brassus, which will open in the summer of 2021—a sustainable, contemporary space at the crossroads of modernity and tradition, once again designed by BIG with CCHE as local partner.
建筑采用玻璃幕墙的螺旋式展馆将引领观者走向古老木石结构的历史建筑。1875年,Jules Louis Audemards 与Edward Auguste Piguet就是在这座历史建筑采光良好的顶楼设立了首家工坊。这项革新工程汇聚了来自汝山谷的众多人才。瑞士CCHE建筑公司与汝山谷当地的能工巧匠及爱彼历史传承部门携手合作,着力恢复这一建于1868年的历史建筑。修复工作完全基于对历史文献的深入研究,例如内壁镶贴的木板,便是取自邻村古屋的雕花木板。
Connected to the glass spiral, the historical house welcomes visitors into a world of ancient woodwork and stone. It is at the top of this historical building, where natural light abounds, that Jules Louis Audemars and Edward Auguste Piguet set their workshop in 1875. This renovation project brought together numerous talents from the Vallée de Joux. The Swiss architecture offce CCHE worked hand in hand with local artisans and Audemars Piguet Heritage Department to recover the vernacular architecture of the company’s oldest building dating of 1868. The renovation was based on a thorough study of archival materials. Wall-claddings notably present genuine historical wood works from nearby village houses.
This restored building now houses the register room, the archives, the Heritage Department, the Audemars Piguet Foundation, as well as the Restoration Atelier. Thanks to a sensitive design and construction intervention, this Atelier was re-established on the top floor where Audemars Piguet debuted. It is there that a handful of highly specialised watchmakers perpetuate the rare ancestral expertise required to restore antique timepieces to pristine condition. The watchmakers’ benches have been entirely recreated by local artisans committed to preserve traditional craftsmanship. Visitors will also have the opportunity to discover how the brand lives around the world today through varied immersive exhibitions in the vaulted basement of the historical house.
随着爱彼全新博物馆Musée Atelier的启用, 爱彼基金会(Audemars Piguet Foundation)也将坐落其中。自1992年起,爱彼基金会通过环保项目和提高青少年环保意识的活动,致力于全球森林资源保护。博物馆的天井空间将种植一棵圆叶唐棣,向汝山谷与爱彼基金会在瑞士和全球各地的森林保护工作致敬。结束两年的栽培期后,这棵唐棣将移植到基金会资助的当地林区。
The Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet also houses the Audemars Piguet Foundation, which has contributed to forest conservation through environmental protection and youth awareness-raising programmes since 1992. The Foundation is honoured in the museum’s atrium. An amelanchier (Amelanchier rotundifolia) will be planted and housed for a duration of two years in this open space to pay tribute to the Manufacture’s roots in the Vallée de Joux, as well as to the Foundation’s engagement in forest conservation within Switzerland and worldwide. The tree will then be replanted as part of a local project sponsored by the Foundation.
保护森林资源、为青少年普及环保观念、恢复生物多样性,并将传统知识传承发扬,是爱彼基金会的优先要务。爱彼基金会赞助开始于当地发起的环保方案,并与其合作推动,以建立可持续发展的良性循环。爱彼基金会主席由董事会主席Jasmine Audemars女士担任。她的父亲Jacques-Louis Audemars正是爱彼基金会的发起人。
Preserving forests, educating children to the environment, restoring biodiversity and valorising traditional knowledge are the Foundation’s top priorities. Its approach aims to initiate, through the projects funded, a virtuous circle of sustainable development, by and with local communities. The Board of the Audemars Piguet Foundation is chaired by Mrs. Jasmine Audemars, Audemars Piguet’s Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and daughter of Jacques-Louis Audemars, who initiated the Foundation.
面积: 2373平方米
业主: Audemars Piguet
合作者:BIG IDEAS, Atelier Bruckner, HG Merz, Luchinger und Meyer, Muller Illien
项目地点  e Brassus,瑞士
Code: APM
Date: 22/04/2020
Program: Culture
Status: Completed
Size in m2: 2373
Project type: Competition
Client: Audemars Piguet
Collaborators: BIG IDEAS, Atelier Bruckner, HG Merz, Luchinger und Meyer, Muller Illien
Location Text: Le Brassus, Switzerland
Location: (46.5818107,6.2116248)