






Villa Korup | 科鲁普别墅:隐于自然的安谧一隅

2020-06-04 发布
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VillaKorup | 科鲁普别墅

科鲁普别墅(Villa Korup是由Jan Henrik Jansen ArkitekterMarshall Blecher合作项目,它是一座位于丹麦乡村的实验性钢制复式别墅;其实是为丹麦菲英岛上的一个六口之家设计——在大火摧毁了他们之前的住所之后。
VillaKorup is an experimental steel clad villa in the Danish countryside by JanHenrik Jansen Arkitekter with Marshall BlecherVilla Korup was designed fora young family of six on the Danish island of Fyn after a fire destroyed theirprevious home.

Thecharacteristic ‘three-legged’ plan was developed in order to delineate thedifferent aspects of the landscape, accentuating their qualities and creatingthree characteristic courtyard-like spaces; a sunny south-facing sloped area tothe south, a protected kitchen garden to the east and an orchard cum playgroundto the west.

Internally,the plan provides central communal spaces for the large family to gather aswell as more private, secluded spaces at the ends of the wings.

Thehouse is constructed entirely from cross laminated timber (CLT) and clad withpanels of raw weathering steel which react to the sites conditions and developover time; starting out with an oily grey, metallic finish, gradually streakingwith orange, fading into a mottled brown and eventually settling into a deep earthyumber. The steel cladding system was developed especially for this house andresults in a completely fixtureless facade.

Thehouse was one of the first private dwellings constructed in Denmark from CLTwhich has in this case been exposed through- out the house and treated in atraditional Danish manner with soap and lye which protects the timber and givesit a soft, resilient finish.

科鲁普别墅通过使用它独特的木质嵌板——高可持续性的波罗的海冷杉,并由森林管理委员会精心设计和机器制造后——仅仅用了三天时间,就实现了将别墅整体抬高的高难度结构;而这种冷杉嵌板的使用,不仅极大地节省了劳动力,同时也意味着,实木房屋的建造成本完全可以做到同传统的木结构房屋一样价廉。总而言之,这座由丹麦/德国建筑师Jan Henrik Jansen与澳大利亚建筑师Marshall Blecher合作设计的乡野别墅,两位建筑师目前正在跨越整个斯堪的纳维亚半岛进行项目合作,包括丹麦西北部沙丘中的地下房屋,挪威的私人岛屿小屋,以及德国波罗的海沿岸120年历史的茅草小屋的改造。
Thehouse was raised in just three days after panels were carefully designed androbotically manufactured from sustainable FSC Baltic fir.Savings on labour meant that this solid timber house was constructed at acomparable cost to a more traditional timber frame house. Thehouse was designed by Danish/German architect Jan Henrik Jansen incollaboration with Australian Architect Marshall Blecher. The two architectsare currently working together on projects across Scandinavia including anunderground house in the sand-dunes of north western denmark, a private islandcabin in Norway and the conversion of a 120 year old thatched cabin on thebaltic coast of Germany

项目名称:科鲁普别墅 Villa Korup
建筑团队:Jan Henrik Jansen ArkitekterMarshall Blecher
工程团队:Louis Poulsen
摄影支持:Hampus Berndtsonwww.hampusberndtson.comGabriele Gualdiwww.gabrielegualdi.comMarshall Blecher www.marshallblecher.com

关于Jan Henrik Jansen Arkitekter
JanHenrik Jansen是居住在丹麦哥本哈根的丹麦/德国建筑师;他拥有汉诺威的莱布尼兹大学和奥尔胡斯建筑学院的学位,并曾在德国吕贝克的应用科学大学和哥本哈根的DIS任教;在2002年至2016年间,他亲手设计并且建造了三座屡获殊荣的,颇具独特风格的避暑别墅:位于丹麦默恩岛上的“ Langelinie”“ Black + bright” “Birkedal” 这三所建筑作品如同他的实验室一般,他在这里进行了设计、细节和材料的实验,并在2012年推出了他的实践项目janhenrik Jansen arkitekter现如今他以一种国际跨度进行建筑工作,设计或安静激进的、材料多元的、或精确几何状的房子——它们对于各自所处的不同景观风光呈现出高度的敏感性。
JanHenrik Jansen is a Danish/German architect based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Heholds degrees from Leibniz Universität, Hannover and Aarhus School ofArchitecture and has taught at the University of applied science in Lübeck,Germany and DIS in Copenhagen. Between 2002 and 2016 Jansen designed andsingle-handedly built three idiosyncratic, award winning summer- houses;`Langelinie ́, `Black+bright ́ and `Birkedal ́, on the Danish island of Møn.These three houses served as a laboratory where Jansen experimented withdesign, details and materials and led to the launch of his practice, Jan HenrikJansen arkitekter, in 2012. Jansen now works internationally, designing quietlyradical, materially-rich and geometrically precise houses that are highlysensitive to the diverse landscapes that they occupy.

关于 Marshall Blecher
MarshallBlecher是居住在丹麦哥本哈根的澳大利亚建筑师。拥有丹麦皇家艺术学院的建筑硕士学位。 他是Hezlet Bequest奖,Byera Hadley奖,Mirvac奖和2018年台北国际设计奖的社交设计和公共艺术类别的获得者;他的作品入围Beazley设计奖,并在伦敦设计博物馆和Salone del Mobile进行了展出。他同时也是哥本哈根群岛倡议(Copenhagen Islands Initiative)的共同创始人,该倡议旨在将浮动公共空间引入哥本哈根港口设计中
MarshallBlecher is an Australian architect based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Marshall holdsa Masters degree in Architecture from the Royal Danish Academy of the Arts. Heis the recipient of the Hezlet Bequest, The Byera Hadley Award, the MirvacAward and the 2018 Taipei International Design Prize in the Social design andPublic art categories. Marshall’s work has been shortlisted for the Beazleydesign Award and exhibited at the London design museum and Salone del Mobile.Marshall is a co-founder of the Copenhagen Islands Initiative which aims tointroduce floating public spaces into copenhagen’s harbour.

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