






Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter | 卡里埃尔“职能铁路”

2020-07-16 发布
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Chemin des Carrieres

卡里埃尔“职能铁路” (Chemin des Carrieres)是一条沿采石场建造的铁路,整体形态一如起伏的花边般将该地区景观勾勒出来。位于阿尔萨斯的罗塞姆的圣纳博尔铁路,设计团队对其进行重新“征服”背后的野心,是旨在将它重塑并打造成能为人们提供旅行和探索机会的一封“邀约函”。
Chemindes Carrières, the Quarries’ Track, is an undulating lace in thelandscape. Our ambition behind the re-conquest of theRosheim - St Nabor railway in Alsace, is to form an invitation to travel andexplore.

卡里埃尔“职能铁路” 全景

The ominous, and sometimes hidden,vestiges of the railway expresses the nature of the site. The desire to createa route to serve the quarries had to adapt to the landscapes of the sub-Vosgeshills, and tells the history of the landscape and of men. The journey todiscover forgotten landscapes, and explore a different point of view,addressing both locals and tourists. Like the old track that offered a dualfunction (industrial and passenger transport), the route has a double vocationwhere the functional must rub shoulders with the imaginary of traveling.

卡里埃尔“职能铁路” “章节”近景
艺术感的环状结构 @11h45

为了向旧有铁路致敬,并纪念该地区的历史,设计师保留了罗斯海姆古老的火车轨道,并将其巧妙地融合于“职能铁路”的重建项目之中;在几乎是不可能做到的情况下,设计师得力于当地钢铁工业公司Métallerie Nouyrit的大力协助,将钢材熔化并重新用于钢结构以及展馆建筑的建造。同时,通过于当地钢铁工人遗迹Parenthèse Paysage密切合作,设计师从当地知识中受益,创造出了这一处极具特色的公共空间,以此作为对于“阿尔萨斯人如何利用周围的环境”这一问题的回答;可以说设计师亦是在同时探索了能够创造人与自然自发邂逅的新方式,并以一种更开放的姿态探索城市周边的壮丽的自然及相关景观。
To pay tribute to the railway, and honor thehistory of the region, the train tracks of Rosheim are preserved andincorporated to the route. In the cases where this was not possible the steelwas melted and used in the steelwork and construction of the pavilions, withgreat help from the local steel factory, MétallerieNouyrit. With locally based steelworkers and close collaboration withParenthèse Paysage the project benefited from local knowledge and succeeds ingenerating public spaces that answers to how the people of Alsace use theirsurroundings. At the same time as exploring new ways of creating spontaneousmeetings, and opening up for exploring the magnificent nature and landscapesthat surround the urban areas.


Along the 11km path, there is a story split intofive chapters of different landscape-sequences that offers a variety ofuniverses, and highlights remarkable sites. Unusual elements punctuate the way,aiming at awakening the visitor’s senses.




Rosheim tells the story of the past. The pavilionhas the character of a labyrinth and plays with irregular concave and convexinterior. The train tracks are conserved in the area and the sculpture isopened and closed to specific views of the surrounding landscape. Boersch tells the story of water.The river is a dynamic element in the landscape, running to the ocean. InBoersch we enlarge the riverbed and build a large open space amphitheater toaccess the water, and make room for meetings between people. Leonardsau tellsthe story of the land. After a long green tunnel, two large corten steel platesamplify the opening effect at the end of the forest corridor to the open up tothe landscape. Ottrotttells the story of travel. Former train station, the stop materializes thehistory of the railway and highlight the presence of the heritage (balance,bridge, crane, pump...). In a woven fabric of housingbuildings, the reservoir, symbolizing water, and concrete crossings connecthousing to historical elements and landscape. Saint-Nabor tells the story of luck. At one of thehighest platforms in the area, created by machine, the travelers will discovera spectacular place: a corten steel structure offering a wide view of thevalley of Rosheim and the plains of Alsace.

卡里埃尔“职能铁路” “章节”近景@11h45

卡里埃尔“职能铁路” “章节”近景@11h45

旧铁路 @11h45

The projects seek to tie the five towns togetherand generate new relations and public spaces that can be used by both localsand tourists. A part of the idea is that architecture can help reverse thetrend of urbanization, and rather make rural areas attractive by emphasizingtheir inherent qualities.

卡里埃尔“职能铁路” 手绘稿
Chemin des Carrières_12_Leonardsau@RRA
卡里埃尔“职能铁路” 手绘稿
Chemin des Carrières_11_Boersch@RRA

卡里埃尔“职能铁路” 手绘稿
Chemin des Carrières_14_St Nabor@RRA

Project name: Le Chemin des Carrières
项目类型: 景观设计
Project type:Landscape
项目位置: 法国,罗斯海姆
Location:Rosheim, France
项目计划: 改建带有文化亭和设施的火车轨道
Plan:Reconversion of a train track with cultural pavilions and installations
项目客户: 罗斯海港公社社区
Project client:Communauté de Communes desPortes de Rosheim
项目长度: 11km
Task:Invitedcompetition (2016)
项目完成: 2019
设计团队: Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter in collaboration with Parenthèse Paysage, Berest and FavierVerne engineers.
Design Team:Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter in collaboration with Parenthèse Paysage, Berest and FavierVerne engineers.
项目工程: Nouyritsteel factory, Vinci, Eurovia, Alsavert.
Construction:Nouyritsteel factory, Vinci, Eurovia, Alsavert
图片来源: FlorentMichel (11h45), Christophe Hamme
Photo credit:FlorentMichel (11h45), Christophe Hamme

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