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2020-08-27 发布
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本帖最后由 王云锦 于 2020-8-27 19:11 编辑


Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

Apfelhotel(英文Applehotel)Torgglerhof: In full bloom
正如古老格言所言,掉落的苹果不会离树很远。在萨尔陶斯(Saltaus)的南蒂罗尔(South Tyrol),托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店的年轻一代的业主在秉持了其传统文化的同时,通过对酒店进行改造而进一步为其开辟出了发展的新天地——负责翻新酒店的noa *建筑工作室功不可没,其新颖的设计灵感唤醒了这座历史悠久酒店的复古魅力的同时,亦为每一位下榻该酒店的客人提供了感官的极致体验,以及共享绿洲的惬意时刻。
Asthe age-old adage goes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. In SouthTyrol, Saltaus, Apfelhotel’s young new generation of owners are breaking newground while staying true to their traditional roots. noa*’s novel design andarchitecture evokes the vintage charm of this historical hotel while creatingan oasis for the senses and shared moments.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

Theapple, a fruit that originated in Kazakhstan and was brought to South Tyrol bythe Romans, is central to the region’s cultural landscape. The Torgglerhof liesat the mouth of the Passeier Valley, its roots run deep in classic applecultivation culture. Over time, it became a spot for people wanting to linger,connect, and soak up the scenic views.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

It's here that the Apfelhotel (eng.Applehotel) was built, and it has since become both an outing destination andan insider tip for guests looking for a holiday treat and special getaway -with scrumptious architecture.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

生根发芽的想法An Idea Takes Root
noa *于2014年赢得了以旨在扩展现有酒店结构的设计竞赛中获胜;该项目被分多个阶段进行实施。2016年,附带有餐厅的主楼和旧谷仓被拆除并进行改建。
In 2014, noa*won a design competition for expanding the hotel’s existing structure, whichwas implemented in several stages. In 2016, the main building with therestaurant as well as the old barn were dismantled and stripped back forconversion.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

在谷仓先前立面的后部,也是在客房空间的下方,能看到苹果酒店所生产的各种美味佳肴,其实都来自他们自己种植的苹果以及其他本地特色种植作物。先前已经建成的,原名“Apfelsauna”英文被翻译为“苹果桑拿房”(Applesauna),而在noa *接手之后,其被扩展成为具有整合了广泛健康性和休憩化景观,并将其作为首要特征的空间。
Behindthe original façade of the barn, beneath the guest rooms, you’ll findApfelhotel’s production of various delicacies from their home-grown apples aswell as other local specialties. The Apfelsauna (eng. Applesauna) was completedas the first feature of a spacious wellness and relaxation landscape, which hasnow been expanded.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

In2020, 18 new suites were built for guests and carefully designed to fit intothe farmyard’s landscape structure while complementing the rural surroundings.A special emphasis was placed on preserving the characteristic of the farmhouseensemble and maintaining its scale.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

而作为乡村发展的核心杰作,noa *设计了一处整合景观和建筑,并模仿现代主义花园概念打造的养生区,它如同一颗“绿色心脏”——就像苹果形的桑拿浴室一样,以一种流畅而柔软的姿态充分融入自然景观之中。
Asthe central masterpiece of this rural development, noa* designed a wellnessarea with architecture and greenery that resemble a modern lush garden. A kindof “green heart” that, like the apple-shaped sauna, integrates smoothly andfully into the landscape.

充满生命的爱 Overflowing Love of Life
Thenewly opened wellness facility - the hotel’s new centerpiece - has no Northsidefacade, instead, it blends into a natural green slope so that the building canhardly be seen. The entrance to the new spa is a curved semi-exposed concreteshell that tucks into the landscape and is designed with a stunning portal madefrom old wood. Here, in the interface between the surface and subsurface, theword immersion takes on a meaning of its own. The Southside of the wellnessarea, on the other hand, opens up with a glass and steel facade that vanishesunderneath a blanket of rooftop greenery. The steel canopy, on which fragrantjasmine flowers will climb, protrudes upwards into the open sky, reminiscent ofthe holding structures used in modern apple cultivation.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 养生区

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 养生区

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 养生区

被视为新的养生区的“Brunnenhaus”——英文又称为“水井房”(Water Well House),其大部分的外部形态是看不见的:整个结构被土层葱郁的植物覆盖,以一种自然的方式融合至植物的根层。水疗中心设有一个由天然石材制成的中央饮水喷泉,并在宽敞的休息区设有开放式壁炉,可通往淋浴间、更衣室、美容室和按摩室。室内泳池则通过青草丛生的垂直立墙一路延伸到户外——立墙的一部分由紫花苜宿和变质片麻岩构成;而水体边缘处的部分,则在逐渐逼近开放空间的相交处的过程中,呈现一种逐渐“溶解”的状态,从而于视觉上形成一种近乎无限的边缘并与周遭景观相连。
Muchof the Brunnenhaus, (eng. Water Well House), as the new wellness area is alsocalled, is largely hidden from sight: the entire structure is covered with alayer of earth and plants, designed to blend naturally into the bottom of thehill and thus merge into the landscape. The spa boasts a central drinkingfountain made from natural-stone and an open fireplace in a spacious loungearea, which leads onto the showers, changing rooms, and beauty and massage rooms.The indoor-outdoor pool stretches out to the outdoors through the overgrowngreen façade and is partially framed with Lucerne metamorphic gneiss rock. Theframing dissolves where the water edge meets the surrounding open space tovisually connect with the landscape in an infinity edge.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 养生区

伊甸园The Garden of Eve
Theupper floor is an area for adults only - it features a sauna lounge, relaxationroom, and a Finnish sauna and steam bath and an adjacent terrace where guestscan refresh with an outdoor shower. The Finnish sauna is a dream for thesenses, with its horizontally curved wooden slats and generous glazed windows,it offers a scenic view of the outdoors and apple fields.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 养生区

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 养生区

The steam bath has acave-like character, with droplets collected in a clay pot due to the ceilingthat inclines towards the room’s center. The relaxation room offers aspectacular view of the valley through the greenery of its facade cladding. TheApfelsauna in the garden can be reached via a curved open staircase, which isflanked by the exposed concrete shell.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 养生区

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 养生区

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 养生区

Thenew garden suites were constructed on the hotel’s East-facing side: three independentbuildings with a total of 18 guest rooms across three floors. The saddle roofsabsorb the architectural language of their surroundings and the façade blendstradition with modern aesthetics. The buildings’ outer shell has beendeliberately kept dark in an ode to the traditional character of a barn house.Meanwhile, a wooden rhombus pattern - created as a transformationof classic wooden struts - gives the three buildings an unmistakably modernflair.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

Thesuites on the ground floor blend into the topography. The entrance and adjacentbathroom are followed by a living and sleeping area which connects out onto thefront terrace. Luxurious swinging hammocks with fluffy pillows, which are alsoseen in the wellness area, lend a relaxed, country flair. Nature and thecharacteristics of the region play an important role in interior design. Woodcladding, milling, and coarse natural fibres are used throughout the entireinner decor - the materials run like a thread through all the rooms. The airyterraces are separated with an outdoor linen curtain.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof

非凡的元素融合Everythingbut Ordinary
Onthe ground and the first floor, there are four spacious guest rooms and twoouter laying suites, which have a separate sleeping corner for children to playand sleep in. In the suites, the large windows offer a panoramic view of theidyllic landscape and the feeling of living in and enjoying your own home.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 客房区

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 客房区

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 客房区

Theattic gables are perfectly utilized to accommodate a sleeping gallery. Aninternal staircase leads from the suites up to the galleries, where step-shapedfurniture also offers storage space. In every room, a unique atmosphere is createdby meticulous attention to detail in design - with elements such as the metalbanister purpose-built to wonderfully combine aesthetics and function.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 客房区

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 客房区

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 客房区

历史的延续Continuationof History
Ifyou bypass the old barn and the impressive 40-year-old weeping willow, you’llarrive at the hotel’s main building - the place where everything started. Thehotel’s restaurant, which in recent years has gained particular popularity byguests coming from near and far, has expanded to include pavilions that rollout onto the garden. Two areas were created: closed, heated canopies, followedby open canopies with shading options grouped in clusters around a piazza ofsorts. The grey-brown aluminium of the canopies is designed to harmonise withthe warm grey floor tiles while contrasting with the main building’s plasterand wood.

更好的胃口Appetitefor More
Theconcept of the restaurant’s expansion design centers around the principle ofthree rooms or “cubes” with differing heights. The inner decor is based on thetheme and mood of a modern winter garden: the ceiling offers a unique structureon which plants and lighting can be flexibly hung.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 餐厅区

The open space is divided byloose old-styled cupboards and floor-to-ceiling permeable shelves. Theseshelves function as a transparent room divider, a presentation area for thehotel’s self-made products and as a library stocked with the literature onculinary arts. These features create a cozy and inviting living roomatmosphere. A natural spring water fountain allows for a refreshing drink.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 餐厅区

Andas a unique highlight - there’s no classic buffet. Instead, guests are invitedto tuck into treats displayed on an old planning bench, while in a séparée, aspecially designed piece of furniture with fixed and mobile elements provideschilled and warm culinary delights, and can also be used for wine or foodtastings.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 餐厅区

Even the tables and chairs in the light-flooded guest-rooms defy theusual stereotype, with a lively mixture of round and angular displays.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof - 餐厅区

整个苹果酒店项目都反映了其家族拥有者的天性和热情,其目的是使每一位来此居住的客人真正拥有宾至如归的感觉,而不是只是像酒店客人那样。通过noa *建筑工作室的出色设计,这一栋酒店建筑和它所处的,这个特殊的地方建立起一个牢固的整合性,与其周围的自然环境和谐地融为一体,并与本地的历史紧密相连;人们能从这座建筑中看到它所代表的自然,设计和文化——而这一点,则毫无疑问的证明,这个苹果酒店依旧保持了自己特有的时代标签和辨识度极高的建筑身份,在未来继续熠熠生辉。
Theentire Apfelhotel project reflects the nature and passion of its family-owners,whose aim is to make people feel truly at home, rather than like a hotel guest.Together with noa*, the architecture was created with a great sense ofintegrity towards this special place, which becomes a unit with nature, ties inwith its history, and maintains its own identity through applied design - whereoccasionally, glimpses of the apple can be seen in the surrounding nature anddesign.

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof 总平面图

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof 一楼平面图

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof 二楼平面图

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof 三楼平面图

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof 侧视图(西)

托格格勒霍夫苹果酒店Apfelhotel Torgglerhof 养生区剖面图

项目客户:ApfelhotelTorgglerhof, Family Pichler
建筑设计:noa*network of architecture
室内设计:noa*network of architecture
表面面积:2.890 平方米
宣传文案:Barbara Jahn-Rösel

Typology:Hotel, wellness
Location:Saltaus, St. Martin imPasseier (Italy)
Client:Apfelhotel Torgglerhof,Family Pichler
Architecture:noa* network of architecture
InteriorDesign:noa*network of architecture
Completion:May 2020
Intervention:Construction of new wellnessarea & new guest rooms
Volume   12.000 m3
Surfacearea:2.890 sqm
Photographs:Alex Filz

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