






Wood Marsh|澳大利亚RACV善克海角度假酒店

2021-06-17 发布
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本帖最后由 陶竞搏 于 2021-6-17 11:17 编辑

项目外观 Building exterior ©Peter Bennetts

RACV善克海角度假酒店毗邻巴斯海峡鞍部,周围是莫宁顿半岛原始风光,稳固有力的建筑效果致敬了其所处地起伏的沙丘和未被征服的自然环境。在几何形态塑造和材料选择上,Wood Marsh设计团队从海岸线的侵蚀地貌中汲取了灵感。

Positioned within a natural saddle adjacent to Bass Strait, RACV Cape Schanck Resort rests amongst Mornington Peninsula’s rugged landscape, offering a robust architectural outcome that celebrates the rolling dunes and untamed nature of its site. Wood Marsh has drawn from both the topography and the corrosive nature of the coastline to inform the sculptural geometry and material selection.

卫星图 Satellite imagery ©Google Maps


The brief called for an architectural landmark that was to entice guests and accommodate a diverse range of existing and new user groups whilst delivering significant social, economic and environmental benefits to the region. RACV offers a world-class 120 room hotel, gym, luxury day spa, restaurants, golf club and golf course. The design offers an elegant and functional response whilst catering to larger conferencing and events previously lacking from the region.

优雅的流线外形 Elegant appearance ©Peter Bennetts


Carefully positioned on a previously disturbed site, the design team endeavoured to regenerate the setting, an initiative that underpinned the entire design process. Sitting sensitively within the dune system as to not disturb the surrounding landscape, the development was carefully managed to preserve the habitat of the local lizard and orchard species indigenous to the area.


From afar, the building presents as a monolith, a landform eroded from the coast over time. The cellular grid of the curvaceous weathering steel-clad upper levels, reminiscent of pockmarked sea cliffs is secondary to the building's anchor, a robust hand-built locally sourced stone plinth, symbolic of the project’s focus on craftsmanship.

弯曲的耐候钢网状栅格 The cellular grid of the curvaceous weathering steel-clad ©Peter Bennetts

立面结构细部 Details ©Peter Bennetts

坚固的石头基座,取自当地石材 Robust hand-built locally sourced stone plinth ©Peter Bennetts


With an entire floor partially buried within the site, the scale of the structure is reduced, remaining sensitive to surrounding residences. The geometry itself plays with perspective, extending to form a three-lobed figure reaching North from Port Phillip Bay to the Bass Strait in the south, with the full scale of the building never revealed.

一层是部分位于场地下方 An entire floor partially buried within the site ©Peter Bennetts

三叶形 Three-lobed figure ©Peter Bennetts


Internally, the layout creates a series of impressive public and private spaces oriented to key views. Recreation, golf and café facilities at ground open directly to the outdoor recreation area, whilst the 25-metre indoor pool, sauna, gymnasium and luxury day spa with treatment rooms and plunge baths caters to both guests and private members.

走廊 Corridor ©Peter Bennetts

豪华水疗中心 Luxury day spa ©Peter Bennetts


Directly above sits the entry-level, a structurally glazed podium that reflects the landscape, creating a visual break between the plinth’s solidity and the sweeping weathering steel arcs. This level is set back with a large protective overhang, surrounded by terraces with conference facilities, restaurant, lounges and generous accommodation above, all capitalizing on the panoramic views.

其中一处入口 One of the entrances ©Peter Bennetts

玻璃结构层退让于四周环绕露台的巨型悬挑 A structurally glazed podium is set back with a large protective overhang ©Peter Bennetts

楼梯 Staircase ©Peter Bennetts

餐厅 Restaurant ©Peter Bennetts

客房 Room ©Peter Bennetts

全景视野 Panoramic views ©Peter Bennetts


The public benefits of RACV Cape Schanck, particularly to the local community, are abundant. The development provides state-of-the-art facilities, with the project filling the current gap in the tourism offer in the region.


总平图 Site plan ©Wood Marsh Architecture

一层平面图 Level 1 plan ©Wood Marsh Architecture

二层平面图 Level 2 plan ©Wood Marsh Architecture

三层平面图 Level 3 plan ©Wood Marsh Architecture

四层平面图 Level 4 plan ©Wood Marsh Architecture

五层平面图 Level 5 plan ©Wood Marsh Architecture

北立面&南立面 North elevation & South elevation ©Wood Marsh Architecture

东立面&西立面 East elevation & West elevation ©Wood Marsh Architecture

项目名称:RACV Cape Schanck Resort
项目位置:Cape Schanck, Victoria, Australia
建筑设计:Wood Marsh Architecture
项目摄影:Peter Bennetts

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