






园冶杯参赛作品 | Nordic Office of Architecture: 南昌华侨城·万科世纪水岸鸟屿浮云

2021-10-25 发布
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本帖最后由 史如玉 于 2021-11-17 16:29 编辑

鸟屿浮云观景塔 Observation tower ©Schran image


Nanchang Waves is a community center in China’s Jiangxi province that includes a spiraling observation tower. Offering a 360-degree overview, the tower invites guest to enjoy the full experience of the neighbourhood that represents the blueprint for future living and the new spirit of the city of Nanchang. Nanchang Waves derives its design concept from the surrounding waterscapes. The observation tower and surrounding public realm creates versatile and welcoming spaces that enhance and connect the urban context to the natural landscape of the region.

鸟屿浮云位于湿地旁 The tower is located next to the wetland ©Schran image


Meant to serve as a bustling, multi-functional community hub for local residents, the design consists of three distinct zones—a unique spatial experience where the building and landscape blend together—corresponding with different natural elements: water (the front public plaza), earth (the commercial/retail spaces), and sky (the observation tower).

天、地、水意向 Sky, earth and water ©Nordic Office of Architecture


The landscape design of the public plaza is integrated with the ancient water culture of Nanchang and the landscape of the adjacent Elephant Lake. Each of the landscape nodes contain functions for people of different ages and provide interesting and memorable experiences.

空间、功能、活动分析 Space/activities ©Nordic Office of Architecture


The site’s commercial and retail zone has an accessible rooftop, designed as a continuation of the surrounding terrain. The landscape of the front square extends above a variety of public spaces and through a slowly unfolding outdoor amphitheater. The retail and commercial functions are visually linked to the neighboring open-air plaza.

顶视 Top view ©Schran image

商业配套的可上人的屋顶被设计为周边地形的延续 Accessible rooftop of commercial and retail zone was designed as a continuation of the surrounding terrain ©Schran image

露天圆形剧场 Outdoor amphitheater ©Schran image


The experience culminates with a dramatic observation tower that serves as a contemporary landmark for the city and emphasises Nanchang’s historic tradition of towers. We designed the double spiral staircase as an experiential journey to the observation platform above. From the observation deck, people can get an unparalleled view of the natural landscape of the nearby wetlands, admire the city skyline in the distance, and experience the changing landscape at sunrise and sunset.

仰视鸟屿浮云塔 Upward viewing angle ©Schran image

双螺旋楼梯 Double spiral staircase ©Schran image

塔内部 Inside the tower ©Schran image

观景台上可俯瞰湿地自然景观,欣赏远处的城市天际线 On the observation platform, people can get an unparalleled view of the natural landscape of the nearby wetlands, admire the city skyline in the distance ©Schran image

建筑夜景 Building at night ©Schran image


轴测分析图 Axo diagram ©Nordic Office of Architecture

首层平面 Ground floor plan ©Nordic Office of Architecture

顶盖层平面 Canopy level plan ©Nordic Office of Architecture

西南立面 South west elevation ©Nordic Office of Architecture

塔西北立面 North west elevation of the tower ©Nordic Office of Architecture

项目名称 Project Name: 华侨城·万科世纪水岸鸟屿浮云 Nanchang Waves
项目位置 Project Location: Nanchang, China         
场地面积 Site Area: 70000 ㎡
建筑面积 Building Area: 5000 ㎡
项目业主 Client: 万科集团 Vanke Group
设计机构 Design Firm: Nordic — Office of Architecture
合作伙伴 Cooperative Partner(s): Rambøll Singapore (Structure)
主创设计 Chief Designer: Thomas Fagernes
其他设计 Other Designer(s): Yang Zhang, Pedro Joel Costa, Diana Cruz, Lucia Borg
建造机构 Construction Firm: 万科 Vanke
设计周期 Design period: 2019.01-2019.05
建造周期 Construction period: 2019.04-2019.12

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