






MVRDV | 孟买「绿里乐园」

2022-07-28 发布
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MVRDV 与孟买本地设计事务所StudioPOD 共同完成了「绿里乐园 One Green Mile」项目,改造印度孟买Senapati Bapat Marg 高架桥下方大面积的闲置空间。项目将混凝土构筑的基础设施转变成服务于当地社区的公共空间,增加了社区急需的便利设施和绿化区域,提高了交通流动性,为社区赋予更强的识别度。这一概念可以广泛应用于相同类型的空间,为城市的可持续发展提供了一种可复制的开发手法,同时也为在印度高密度大城市中闲置空间的转型改造树立了新的典范。
MVRDV, working alongside co-architects StudioPOD, has completed construction of One Green Mile, transforming a series of neglected spaces below Mumbai’s Senapati Bapat Marg flyover. Turning an overbearing element of concrete infrastructure into a public space for the entire local community, the design adds much-needed amenities and greenery, improves mobility, and creates astrong visual identity for the area. On a broader scale,the design offers a repeatable approachto sustainable urban development that asserts a new benchmark for underused public spaces in the intense Indian metropolis.


Senapati Bapat Marg 立交桥位于多条主干道的交汇处,这些主干道绵延长度超过11公里,穿过整个孟买市中心。此外,道路的交通产生了严重的噪音污染,并在道路两旁相邻地区之间形成一道屏障,对人的流动产生严重阻碍。在该地区的一个办公区域开发项目中,Nucleus 办公园区委托当地建筑事务所StudioPOD对天桥两旁约800米长的街景进行优化。对于立交桥结构本身下方的空置区域,StudioPOD邀请MVRDV共同设计开发一个社区空间,以解决立交桥带来的负面影响,缓解该区域缺乏绿化空间和便利设施的问题。
The Senapati Bapat Marg flyover is part of a series of major roads that extend for over 11 kilometres through the heart of Mumbai, generating significant noise pollution and creating a barrier between neighbouring areas that limits options for mobility. In connection with an office development in the area, local architecture firm StudioPOD was tasked by Nucleus Office Parks to improve an 800-metre stretch of streetscape running alongside the flyover. For the most transformative part of this scheme, in an unused space beneath the flyover structure itself, they invited MVRDV to collaborate on a community space that would address the flyover’s negative impact while responding to the area’s lack of greenery and physical amenities.


Senapati Bapat Marg 立交桥位于多条主干道的交汇处,这些主干道绵延长度超过11公里,穿过整个孟买市中心。此外,道路的交通产生了严重的噪音污染,并在道路两旁相邻地区之间形成一道屏障,对人的流动产生严重阻碍。在该地区的一个办公区域开发项目中,Nucleus 办公园区委托当地建筑事务所StudioPOD对天桥两旁约800米长的街景进行优化。对于立交桥结构本身下方的空置区域,StudioPOD邀请MVRDV共同设计开发一个社区空间,以解决立交桥带来的负面影响,缓解该区域缺乏绿化空间和便利设施的问题。
The Senapati Bapat Marg flyover is part of a series of major roads that extend for over 11 kilometres through the heart of Mumbai, generating significant noise pollution and creating a barrier between neighbouring areas that limits options for mobility. In connection with an office development in the area, local architecture firm StudioPOD was tasked by Nucleus Office Parks to improve an 800-metre stretch of streetscape running alongside the flyover. For the most transformative part of this scheme, in an unused space beneath the flyover structure itself, they invited MVRDV to collaborate on a community space that would address the flyover’s negative impact while responding to the area’s lack of greenery and physical amenities.

「绿里乐园」平面图 floor plan© MVRDV


A hilly paved landscape transforms the 2-dimensional visual features into a 3D spatial experience, accommodating a whole range of different programmes and providing a dynamic physical attraction. Visual accent colours in materials and graphics make all aspects of the intervention recognizable as a whole. The space is divided into a series of public “rooms” with diverse functions: lounge, gym, shaded seating area, performance space, and reading room. Planting extends throughout the space. Greenery in the design – featured on a series of screens lining the space, an archway at the entrance, and in retaining walls and planters – promotes biodiversity, while cooling the surrounding spaces and dampening noise pollution.

功能 programmes© MVRDV


“也许有一天,我们将不再需要这些嘈杂冰冷的高速路,它们将我们的城市切割得支离破碎,但目前我们的交通系统依然需要高架桥,而且孟买的高架桥比大部分城市都多。”MVRDV合伙人Stefan de Koning 说到,“通过「绿里乐园」项目,我们提出了一个问题:高架桥是否能够弥补它所割裂的城市肌理?桥下的空间往往不具备商业开发价值,但在炎热的城市气候中,它可以提供一定的遮荫,具有公共空间营造的无限潜力。”

“Perhaps one day we will see the end of noisy, unpleasant highways carving up our cities, but for now they are still unfortunately a necessary evil – one you can see in Mumbai more than most cities”, says MVRDV partner Stefan de Koning. “One Green Mile asks the question: what if we expected highways to give something back to the places they cut through? A flyover can provide some shade in a hot city, and creates a small area of land that can’t be developed with tall buildings. It’s not such a crazy idea to make that into a public space.”



The design enhances connections for pedestrians and cyclists to make the area more comfortable and accessible. Paving, bicycle paths, and bright, large-scale zebra crossings promote access and safety. It improves accessibility with the incorporation of an uninterrupted mobility network and mobility hub to stimulate cycling. The area’s lighting concept works alongside programmatic elements and urban furniture features to make a recognisable place, and ensure safety around the clock.

设计策略 strategies © MVRDV


「绿里乐园」突出反映了循环经济的理念:通过利用高架桥下的空间,为其赋予新的价值和用途。除了作为交通设施,它还获得了新的身份——一个提供荫蔽、有活力的公共空间。同时设置了雨水储存和过滤系统,用来灌溉项目中大面积的植物。「绿里乐园」的设计关注具有包容性的绿色公共场所,因而对于城市中其他区域也具有很高的借鉴意义。未来,「绿里乐园」将沿着总长11.22公里的高架桥继续扩展,从孟买的Mahalaxmi 赛马场延伸到Dharavi 红树林地区近3公里的路段。

The project exemplifies a circular economy approach; by utilizing the space underneath, the flyover itself increases in value; in addition to transporting cars, it acquires a new purpose as a sheltered, occupied public space. Engineering features store and filter monsoon water to irrigate One Green Mile’s extensive network of plants. With its focus on shaded and inclusive green public spaces, One Green Mile can easily be repeated elsewhere in the city. For the current project, a planned future extension will expand the revitalisation of public space to 3 kilometres of the flyover’s 11.22- kilometre total stretch, which extends from Mumbai’s Mahalaxmi racecourse to the Dharavi Mangrove Region.


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