






Bak Gordon Arquitectos | Ricardo Bak Gordon 花园中的花园

2022-08-05 发布
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House 1 is a rehabilitation project for a Villa from the end of the 19th century, in Oporto city, close to the seafront. It is a construction of bourgeois origin, located on a plot with about 2200 m2.

▼改造后室内空间概览,overall view of the interior after renovation ©Francisco Nogueira


The House, which originally had two noble floors, an attic and a basement, has now four inhabited floors with generous openings to the outside. Where there used to be a basement, there is now a family room, in direct relation to the outside, through the proposed patio, a kind of garden inside the garden.

restored entrance gate ©Francisco Nogueira

▼门厅中的楼梯,staircase in the entrance hall ©Francisco Nogueira

▼从门厅看向客厅,view to the living room from the entrance hall ©Francisco Nogueira

▼客厅,宽敞的开窗,living room with generous windows

▼地下室改造为家庭房,family room renovated from the basement ©Francisco Nogueira

▼与露台相连的房间,room connected to the patio ©Francisco Nogueira

▼露台,花园中的花园,patio, garden in the garden ©Francisco Nogueira


The rehabilitation and restoration work sought to enhance the existing spaces, replacing some functions, but, above all, sequencing the experience of spaces. New venetian terrazzo floors, interior walls in tadelakt and exterior window frames in oxidized brass, structure the palette of materials used in this renovation.

▼楼梯间,staircase ©Francisco Nogueira

▼卧室,bedroom ©Francisco Nogueira

▼氧化黄铜窗框,window frames made of oxidized brass ©Francisco Nogueira

▼水磨石地面和木地板,terrazzo and wooden flooring ©Francisco Nogueira

▼细部,details ©Francisco Nogueira


The design of the garden, in its many details, constitutes a landscape of distension for the life of the house. The House itself, which has always been covered with ivy on its exterior walls, should be covered again when it grows, after the intervention that has been now completed.

▼建筑外观与花园,external view of the house and the garden around ©Francisco Nogueira

▼总平面图,site plan ©Ricardo Bak Gordon

▼地下一层平面图,basement floor plan ©Ricardo Bak Gordon

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©Ricardo Bak Gordon

▼二层平面图,first floor plan ©Ricardo Bak Gordon

▼三层平面图,second floor plan ©Ricardo Bak Gordon

▼立面图,elevation ©Ricardo Bak Gordon

▼剖面图,sections ©Ricardo Bak Gordon

Architecture: Ricardo Bak Gordon
Architecture Coordination: Daniela Cunha
Collaboration: Catarina Farinha, Tânia Correia
Site location: Oporto, Portugal
Client: Private
Contractor: Matriz LDA – Sociedade de Construções
Supervision and Project Management: Buildgest
Consultants: Atelier BBV (Landscape architecture); A400 – Projetistas e Consultores de Engenharia, LDA (Foundations and Structure / Hydraulics / Gas Installations / Electrics, Telecommunications, Security / Mechanics and HVAC / Acoustics / Thermic )
Areas: 530 m2 construction area
Date: Project 2018-19 [Works completion 2021]
Photographs: Francisco Nogueira

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