






上海科技大学上海临床研究中心 | ShanghaiTech University - Shanghai Clinic Research Centre

2022-11-14 发布
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本帖最后由 Obermeyer 于 2022-11-25 21:33 编辑

Shanghai Clinical Research Center Project is located in Plot15A-03, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, located on the eastside of Keyuan Road, north and south and east sides of the surrounding river(Hanjiazhai River, Xiangyang River, Chuanyang River), west side is the urbanroad Keyuan Road, north and east side is the planned road (red line width 12meters), south of Zhangjiang Laboratory National Protein Science ResearchShanghai Facility, Institute of Immunochemistry of Shanghai University ofScience and Technology, iHuman Research Institute and School of Life Sciences,north of Shuguang Hospital, east of Novartis Pharmaceutical R&D Center. Itcovers an area of about 50,844 square meters, with a total construction area of240902 square meters, of which the first phase has a construction area of146131 square meters. There are 10 floors above ground and 2 floorsunderground, with a building height of 40.8 meters.

设计目标与定位 Design Objectives and Positioning
To build a clinicalresearch center with the highest international standards and the best level asthe benchmark, gathering Shanghai's high-quality resources, focusing on majordiseases, and integrating the latest medical technology, biomedical technologyand artificial intelligence technology.
It has become aninnovative source to actively promote the accelerated development of Shanghai'sbiomedical industry and create new drugs, new equipment, new devices, newtechnologies, new materials, as well as clinical guidelines, disease diagnosisand treatment norms and standards.
To become a talent trainingbase for doctors and scientists with high-level clinical diagnosis andtreatment capabilities and biomedical research capabilities in the future.

1. Embodythe people-oriented design concept and create an intelligent clinical researchplatform;
2. Refer tothe standards of tertiary general hospitals to create an "empowering"attribute medical and research platform;
3. Breakthe barriers of traditional department settings and try new diagnosis andtreatment models and experiences;
4. Medicalresearch, study and production, deep integration, pay attention to theefficient connection of divisions;
5. Achievecarbon neutrality as a whole, emphasizing the flexibility, variability andforward-looking of functional space;
6. Payattention to the relationship between the project architecture and thesurrounding environment, and make full use of the surrounding landscape.

The overallplan is based on the original natural environment of the site, and thevegetation is gradually introduced to the roof of the podium, and through theenclosure of branch-shaped buildings, a modern courtyard inheriting thetemperament of Jiangnan gardens is created.
The westside of the base is bordered by Keyuan Road (secondary arterial road),surrounded by water on three sides, and there are future planning branch roadson the north and east sides. The traffic of the base mainly relies on the mainentrance on Keyuan Road, and the staff entrance and emergency entrance are setup on the north branch road, and the hospitalization entrance and freight dirtentrance and exit are set up on the east side.

The medical technology area islocated in the middle of the base, including the first basement, first floor,second and third floors and other floors close to the ground, which isconvenient for doctors and patients to use and maintain equipment, and at thesame time convenient to connect with other functional areas. The outpatientarea is located on the west side of the medical technology function, and thetwo can be connected by level, and the main entrance of the outpatient clinicis opened on Keyuan Road on the west side of the site. The emergency departmentis located in the north of the medical technology area, with a separateentrance and exit on the north side branch road, and reserved for connectionwith the third phase of the emergency department. The inpatient department islocated away from Keyuan Road in the southeast of the base, above the medicaltechnology area, with convenient vertical transportation links, and the ward isfar from the city arterial road, facing the river to the south, with a wideview and sunshine. The Research Transformation Center is located on the southside of the site, above the outpatient and medical technology functions. Thebuilding entrance is on the south side and has ground transportation links tothe National Center for Protein Science across the river.

设计特色 Features

1. Enclosethe courtyard. The overall building volume presents a large enclosurerelationship, extending through the branches of the building, and dividing thelarge courtyard into small courtyards connected by twists and turns, increasingthe internal space level. At the same time, the courtyard is also multi-levelin the vertical direction, and the smooth continuation of the courtyard spaceis achieved through the change of terrain.
2. Centralgarden. It is divided into 5 regions according to the number of users, creatinga natural and vibrant outdoor environment.
3.Separation of people and vehicles. In terms of traffic organization, the carentrance and exit are printed directly to the underground garage, shorteningthe residence time of the vehicle on the ground and opening the ground space topedestrians to the greatest extent. Due to the complex traffic and limitedspace at the main entrance, the drop-off area is introduced to the firstbasement level to reduce the congestion of ground traffic.

The basic principles of passive architecture:

Thermal insulation
Passive House windows
Ventilation heat recovery
Airtightness of the building
Absence of thermal bridges

Very lowheating heat consumption: Heating heat consumption is equivalent to one-tenthof conventional buildings and about one-quarter of existing energy-efficientbuildings.

Utilizationof passive energy: Make full use of the energy inside the building, includingthe temperature of the occupants, the sunlight entering the building, etc., theuse of passive energy indirectly improves the thermal comfort of the room.

Suitableexternal insulation standards: High-standard insulation doors, windows andbuildings provide basic guarantees for maintaining room temperature andavoiding poor heat dissipation.

Ventilationand ventilation heat recovery: The ventilation system equipped with efficientheat recovery device works stably and does not produce turbulence, and thewaste heat in the return air can be effectively recovered and utilized.

Energysaving path and comfort: Energy saving is achieved through building componentsand high-quality ventilation systems, and the comfort standard is higher thanthat of conventional buildings.

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