The Eco Box keywords:spaceoccupation of energy infrastructure;ecological;Structuralism;transmission;The relationship between man and nature After the nuclear pollution disaster,cities, nature and human beings have been affected to varying degrees. This isshocking news. When we see the ruins, whether we can start to examine therelationship between man and nature will be a question we always attachimportance to. We try to make the landscape system and industrial sites staticand put them into a device called ecological box. We have given the ecologicalbox a transparent appearance design to facilitate the observation of thedevelopment of natural and industrial heritage. This will be a long period oftime, and will also influence people's view of nature imperceptibly. It isworth noting that we have specially used the structuralist design method, inorder to make the design appear in the site if there is nothing, not to beignored, but also not to be dissolved by the surrounding environment. Webelieve that this design can make people think more on the three differentscales of human, nature and city.