







2023-08-10 发布
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Project overview


As the concept of child-friendlycommunity has been put into practice, building child-friendly community hasbecome one of the effective ways to improve the healthy growth environment ofchildren. This project is part of the module design for a child-friendlycommunity, transforming the fitness park of the original community into acreative children's park and comprehensive facilities, which reflects theconcept of community construction gradually paying attention to the healthygrowth environment of children. The design aims to unify the building with thesurrounding community environment and create a friendly community atmosphere.The children's park is located in the southeast corner of the Third Community,Xin 'an Huayuan, Xinwu District, Wuxi city. The original simple and forgettablecorner space is transformed into a public open space for children to play,parent-child interaction and people to rest by the eye-catching facilities andunique geometric dimension.

项目概览(摄影版权 叶雯恰)
ProjectOverview (Photography copyright: Wenqia Ye)

Designconcept: Bond Paradise


In order to trulyintegrate the concept of building a kid-friendly community into the spacedesign of the community and children's daily life, the original fitness parkwas transformed to integrate children's entertainment facilities and publicgathering space, creating an extremely creative open space. The children's parkis built around the open space in the center of the site. Inspired by the bond,the Spaces of different functions are connected in an orderly way, presenting aunique spatial rhythm,andproviding an outdoor gathering place for children facing the community.

▼以纽带为灵感,不同功能的空间有序衔接。(摄影版权 叶雯恰)
Inspired by bonds,the Spaces of different functions are connected in an orderly way. (Photographycopyright: Wenqia Ye)

▼设计总平面图 (图纸版权:平介设计)
Design master plan (Copyright: Bo Yang)

根据实地考察,选定原健身公园中间空地作为儿童游乐公园,其他地方保留其原有功能。如总平面图所示,树 A 到树 B 的距离经过实地测量为13.5米。树之间为两个相对的圆形,一侧作为0-6岁儿童适用的游乐区,一侧作为6-12岁儿童适用的游乐区。同时,以树为中心设置两个凉亭休憩区。公园的设计以动静结合为原则,每一个圆形的区域都兼顾了游乐与休憩功能。同时,设计与保留的自然景观形成动静对比,也成为了描绘友好社区界面的一抹色彩。设计依照儿童与儿童、家长与儿童之间的体量关系预留足够的空间,即使大人与儿童的尺度相互交错,两个群体也都能够在空间中进行互动。

According to thefield investigation, the space in the middle of the original fitness park wasselected as the children's amusement park and the other places retained theiroriginal functions. As shown in the master plan, the distance from tree A totree B was measured in the field at 13.5 meters. There are two opposite circlesbetween the trees. One side serves as a recreation area for children aged 0-6years and the other side serves as a recreation area for children aged 6-12years. At the same time, there are two gazebo rest areas centered around thetrees. The design of the park is based on the principle of dynamic and staticcombination, and each circular area gives consideration to the functions of recreationand rest. At the same time, the design contrasts with the preserved naturallandscape and becomes a distinct feature to describe the friendly communityinterface. The design leaves enough space in accordance with the volumetricrelationship between children and parents, so that both groups can interact inthe space even though the scales of adults and children are staggered.

▼以动静结合为原则,兼顾游乐与休憩功能(摄影版权 叶雯恰)
Taking thecombination of dynamic and static as the principle, giving consideration to thefunctions of recreation and rest (Photography copyright: Wenqia Ye)

Strategicorganization: Children's involvement


Before thespecific design scheme is generated, the designers cooperate with the communityinvolve the community children in the design of the child-friendly communityfor a four-week interactive workshop, which provides a representational surrealscene. The children brainstormed how to plan community Spaces, playrooms androads, imagining the possibilities of the space and using their intuition tocreate countless ways of playing method. At the same time, the designer worked with the children to build models,consciously adding interesting shapes and varied structural forms to the space.The result is a complex, diverse and childlike place. The project expressestheir suggestions and demands for improvement of specific places in thecommunity from the perspective of children, and further cultivates the abilityof community children to pay attention to public issues and participate inpublic affairs so as to shoulder social responsibilities. Truly from theperspective of children, children's participation to promote the overalldevelopment of the whole child friendly community construction projects.

Community Children participate in the design Workshop (Photographycopyright: Wenqia Ye)

▼儿童在项目中奔跑玩耍(摄影版权 叶雯恰)
Children run and playin the project (Photography copyright: Wenqia Ye)

Designcontent: functional compound


In order to createa space for children to grow freely and increase the participation of communityresidents, several activity Spaces are interspersed in the design of the wholechildren's park. At the same time, the children in the community are dividedinto two age groups: 0-6 years old and 6-12 years old. According to the needsof different age levels, activity facilities are set up to form exclusiveareas. Cartoon seats and adult seats are arranged around to form a reasonablechildren's amusement space. The various functions of the fixed space, such asopen reading corners, multi-functional pavilions, and various recreationalfacilities, are fully considered to provide a free and cheerful environment forchildren to grow and learn.

▼休憩平台(摄影版权 叶雯恰)
Resting Platform(Photography copyright: Wenqia Ye)

①   翻翻乐儿童益智装置

“FanFan Le” children's educational device
Not only caninteractive puzzle games be provided, but also Windows can be combined withseats in the tree pool to form a small outdoor stage or small classroom forpopularizing child-friendly knowledge.

▼翻翻乐儿童益智装置 (摄影版权 叶雯恰)
“FanFan Le” Children's Puzzle Device (Photographycopyright: Wenqia Ye)

▼翻翻乐儿童益智装置 (摄影版权 叶雯恰)
“FanFan Le” Children's Puzzle Device (Photographycopyright: Wenqia Ye)


Microphone device
For children'sentertainment, it not only focuses on the visual effect, but also emphasizesthe auditory activity training of 0-6 years old children. Reasonable heightsetting and handset layout can immerse multiple children in this activity atthe same time.

▼传声筒游戏装置(摄影版权 叶雯恰)
MicrophoneGame Device (Photography copyright: Wenqia Ye)

▼传声筒游戏装置(摄影版权 叶雯恰)
Microphone Game Device (Photography copyright: Wenqia Ye)

▼读书角 (摄影版权 叶雯恰)
Reading Corner (Photography copyright: Wenqia Ye)

Reading corner, aquiet resting place specially designed for children aged 6-12, is constructedby combining geometric elements and creating a quiet corner.


The communitywhere children play every day is the extension of extra-curricular life and thepoetic expression of natural context. The humane child-friendly community helpsus slow down and grow with the community, creating richer childhood memories.

▼儿童游乐场景 (摄影版权 叶雯恰)
Scene ofamusement(Photography copyright: Wenqia Ye)

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